Due to issues with the postal system in the UK, strikes and such like, some of our Christmas Presents were delayed in arriving. Madam informed me on Christmas day that a couple of my presents hadn’t arrived and hopefully they would arrive by the new year. The first one that arrived just after the new…
Whats in a Name – Madam Alice
From Madam Alice. Poppet asked an interesting question about whether John is viewed as my partner/ Boyfriend by those that I work with. The simple answer is Yes, they do. There are very few people around where we live and work that don’t believe that John and I are a couple in a long term…
Madam’s Domestics
For those that follow this blog you are already aware that although I have a good career my main job is actually being my wife’s house husband (or perhaps that should be House Wife). While that isn’t strictly true (as yet), I am her submissive house husband and I fill a lot of that role…
Happy New Year to Everyone.
Good Morning Everyone, just a very quick post from all here at Madam’s Home. We are having a slow morning today, Sir arrived late yesterday afternoon and Madam and I welcomed him back by meeting him at the door both dressed appropriately for him and holding hands, and last night was a lovely evening of…
Merry Christmas and a tease for the New Year.
From all at the Luff Household A very short note and update on whats happening for us over the festive period. We will be having John over for Christmas Eve and Christmas day this year and he will leave us on boxing day to go and spend time with his daughters. on Boxing day Mick…
The current Chastity Cages
I’ve been having a few email conversations with Poppet SubSlut over a few topics of late and a point in one of the discussions was over chastity devices. We are both caged for long periods, and it would be fair that we are both fans of wearing chastity, but for quite different reasons. It is…
Friday Night Driving and Sunday Photos
In the grand scheme of things this weekend has been a “quiet” one. Now before you stop reading, just remember that is in relation to some of the weekends that we have had, so please bear with us….. Now that we are into December it is the start of the “festive season” in terms of…
Naughty Nora’s Blog – Go and follow it!
When we started to blog there were a number of people that inspired us, helped us, advised us and generally we really very good to us. It can be hard to get started and to be motivated. In some cases other bloggers will give you points tips and advice. Some will leave comments to your…
It’s Review Night For billie
From Madam Alice: Good Evening everyone I hope that you are all well. It is Thursday night and that means that at 8pm billie will present himself at my study for his weekly review. We decided that we would do the review in the study as normal but the punishments would be delivered in the…
A Vanilla Weekend with lingerie advice and a very pleasant surprise.
Last weekend Madam and I were invited to a christening of a Grand Child of a long term friend, Madam knew her when she was growing up and I got to know her and her husband when I started courting Madam. The invite arrived a about 6 weeks ago and originally we only planned to…