Master arrived just after 6 and hearing the gates open, I hurried to the front door, quickly checking myself as I passed the Hall Mirror. Sir parked his car and I opened the front door for him, bobbing a suitable curtsey for him as he entered. “Evening billie, my bag is in the car..” Usually…
Category: Uncategorized
Last Friday – Madam is away
Thursday Evening saw me packing Madam’s bag for her weekend away with her Mum, sister and 2 nieces. She gave me direction what she would need and I ensured that it all went into the bag and then loaded it into the car for her. Friday morning saw Madam leave for work at her normal…
Blogs, censorship and frustrations
Afternoon Folk, we are still alive and we are still blogging – even after a few issues that appeared over the last couple of weeks. we’ve now been formally blogging for about 18 months – 12 months on word press and 6 months here on blogger. We like it, we both enjoy adding our stories…
A week of being reminded of my place, the start of valentines week
This week will be a busy period as I will be made to be reminded and admit where I am in my relationship with Madam. This started on Friday evening when Sir arrived at 6pm. Greeting Sir at the door and welcoming him to Madam’s Home, bobbing a curtsey and showing him to the lounge…
That is Christmas over!
So after an unexpected Christmas where I was unlocked during Master’s stay and then I continued to be unlocked during our visit to Madam’s Family I was back into Chastity for New Year’s Eve. My next formal unlocking will now be Easter weekend, Madam has highlighted it on the Kitchen Calendar. Christmas was unusual…
Are Submissive men weak?
From Madam Alice We recently had to set up a Bdsmlr Blog site as an alternative to Tumblr due to their change of policy towards Adult Blogs and postings. so this morning I had a quick look through the new blog and came across this in the blog feed and it was something that I…
Christmas Party – Involved, but from a distance.
Madam had both of her work Christmas Parties this week, midweek was the meal for the team from the Milton Keynes office and then on Friday Night was the head office bash in London. Now the lunch on Wednesday was just for the team and was pretty much over by 3pm, everyone happy and I…
Responding to an Email Question – Submissive Dressing
we had a email from a blog reader, J90, of the blog with a couple of questions about me and also our relationship. while I gave a response to one of his questions it was suggested that I should publish the response on the blog. so here is J’s question and my response to it,…
Crap weather, so setting up a replacement for Tumblr
The weather here has been dreadful all afternoon so I’ve been keeping Madam and Sir supplied with Tea and coffee. for some people may be aware that we also have a Tumblr blog which I use to post images and short one or two lines. however Tumblr is about to change it’s police on Adult…
The number of times I have watched this scene in real life from this angle never ceases to be a frustrating turn on. kneeling in my underwear with my cage at the feet of Madam as Master undresses her.