From Madam Alice:
Good Afternoon Everyone, hope that you are all well.
we’ve been quiet on the posting front for the last couple of weeks as we have been taking a break from the social media world. We were all chatting and commented about how much bile has started appearing in our “vanilla” media feeds. we all have separate accounts with different social circles and there was such a negative feel from all of them we decided to take a break from it for a short while.
The one place that does seem to be marginally sane is in the “kink” world and thank (insert deity/ mythical creature/ Mistress of your own personal choice) for that.
So what have we been upto? – well work continues with us all at different paces and we’ve been having and creating our usual fun to keep us sane while still in this lock down. but in this post I want to write about what I’ve been doing with billie and a little about managing our relationship during this period.
When all of this current situation started we (billie and I) invited John to join us at our home. We had no idea how long this would last but we thought that it would make things more manageable for all of us if we self isolated together. It was billie that talked through the issues of John isolating on his own and as billie pointed out he would normally be with us for a good part of the week normally anyway. So we had John come and stay.
In the past John has stayed with us for probably about a full 2 weeks at the longest stretch so having him here the whole time has meant that we are in new territory in our relationship as a whole and the last two weeks has shown that I have needed to adjust things.
In normal times I have the main bedroom in the house for myself and billie will sleep in the maids room downstairs. now this isn’t some pokey little room but it is the conversion of the 3 small out buildings that were attached to the house – probably when the house was originally built in the 1900s it would have been the garden tool store, a wash room and a pantry type of store room. The previous owners had made some effort to develop the rooms but when we bought the place Mick and I decided that we would convert them into Annex that would link into the house – the Maids rooms.
This annex has a toilet and shower, a bed area for a 3/4size bed (bigger than a single but not quite a double – it allows kerri to stay over with billie) and a wardrobe and storage area. this connects in to the utility room of the main house. This is Billie’s area and it is quite comfortable for her.
With John being here at home he has obviously been sharing my bed, as you would expect but it dawned on me that under normal circumstances I would on occasion let billie come and sleep with me in the main room – this would be when I wanted company, when I was lonely or when I just wanted to be with my husband and be cuddled. It dawned on me that perhaps with John being here at home that I had been negligent in my care of my cuckolded husband.
To correct this I had billie on a couple of nights sleep next door in the guest room and after I’ve had a bit of fun with John I’ve gone and slipped in with billie for the night and when he has woken in the morning I have gone back to my own bed with John.
Also Myself and John have had billie come and sleep in the main bed with us, this has been mainly on the Saturday or Sunday nights, this has been particularly the case where we have included billie in our late night bedroom fun. It is also nice to wake up to find that John has made use of the rear zip in Billie’s sleep suit that were made for him. John is quite insatiable in the morning and which ever one of us is in the middle (John always sleeps on the outside) is going to be woken by his lovely cock.
Its important to ensure that billie knows he isn’t being ignore and pushed to one side, I have spoken to him to make sure that isn’t the case, which he assures me he doesn’t feel that way but it is my duty as his Mistress and wife to ensure that he knows he is loved and cared about.
The other bit of maintenance that I’ve been negligent in is the fact of billies chastity period. we are approaching 150 days since he was allowed out for any period longer than just cleaning and shaving. It became rather apparent when we had “no panties/knickers week” here at home. I noticed that my dear sissy husband was leaking rather a lot.
Everytime he sat down and then got up there would be a little “puddle” of his frustrated cum on the seat and doing inspections of him would find drips or strings of cum at the end of his cage. it dawned on me that he had not been relieved for several weeks and obviously there was now a bit of a back log for him.
In the past we used to deal with this by doing a midweek “milking session” for him using a small vibrator or prostrate massager. billie would kneel on all fours on an ottoman blanket chest in the spare room with a plastic plate under him and I would then stimulate his prostate with the vibrator or the massager. Carole had shown me how to do this and initially it had taken me some time to get the technique but eventually I could get this done with about 20 minutes of stimulation and then 10 minutes of “flow” to have billie relieved of his cum, but still keep that level of frustration for him. obviously billie would end the process by consuming his leakage – we didn’t want to waste it now do we.
over the last few years we have done less of the milkings as I’ve used the strap-on more effectively on billie to relieve that pressure for him or billie has used his own dildo to deal with things. however the most effective method has been with John becoming a more regular user of billie over the last couple of years and it always fascinates and turns me on to see the amount of cum that leaks from my sissy husband when he is used anally by John. All of this tends to ensure that billie is regularly “emptied”, but we can still keep him frustrated, turned on and keen.
However over the last month or so he hasn’t been used much anally – yes we have had him sit on his chair with the dildo and he has been wearing his plug daily but he hasn’t been allowed to use his “Master” dildo. Also when I spoke to John to ask if he has used billie anally he said no he hadn’t as he thought I had. So the result was we had a very frustrated and drippy sissy husband.
Well we had to deal with this so it was time to milk my husband. Billie was informed that I would deal with his leaking problem. He was told to get the milking tools – small vibrator, prostate massager, lube, plate and some towels and to be in position in the spare room at 8pm.
Just after 8pm myself and John entered the spare room and found billie kneeling on the top of the ottoman at the end of the bed with his plate positioned under his caged clit. he had stripped down to his underwear of bra, waist clincher, and stockings, knickers were removed and folded neatly on the bed. I decided that I would dress for the process with my knee high boots, bra, deep suspender belt stockings and carrying a pair of my rubber gloves.
I had asked John just wear his dressing gown as I wanted him to see the whole process and also to help me a little bit later.
Billie watched us come in and I told him to face his front. I put on my gloves and then started to adjust the lay out of the items so that they were all to hand. as I was doing this I was chatting to John explaining what I was about to do and what the reason for it was, all very matter of fact and almost ignoring billie at this point. I used the lube to lubricate my gloved fingers and to apply some lube to Billie’s bottom. I slowly worked a finger in and out of billies hole and eventually had a couple of fingers sliding in and out, nothing too much or too fast just steady and gentle.
I explained to John that this was not a quick process and that it requires the steady build up of stimulation to the prostate, without giving the sexual stimulation to the locked clit. I also explained that this was not about deep penetration, but more about a focused point.
Once I was happy that things were lubricated properly I then switched to using the prostate massager, initially without the vibrations on, and then I turned on the low settings and allowed this to start doing it’s job, I slowly pushed and released the pressure on the massager as it buzzed away in Billie’s bottom. I chatted with John and then switched focus to billie with things such as “good gurl” and updates as he started to have drips form or a dangling string of cum starting to hang from the end of the cage.
I would then increase the level of vibration. all the time telling billie what a good gurl he was, telling him how we need to do this more often for him, to allow him to be more focused as my cuckold.
As things start to increase and there are more drips and the I can tell that we are near the point where the semen will start to flow, I swap over to the smooth vibrator, this is 5″ long and quite smooth – a very traditional type of vibrator but ideal for this job. I slide it partially in and angled it so that it makes contact with the prostrate and turn on the vibrator. this becomes very focused and you can see that there is more cum starting to drip very regularly, we are very nearly there now.
At this point I ask John to help me, to get Billie’s attention focused else where, the little tart is breathing quite heavy and it is clear that he/she becoming quite distracted by the vibrations.
John shirked off his dressing gown and moved round to the end of the ottoman where Billie’s head was and while he stroked his cock he told billie to start to suck it.
I have a confession to make here, the sight of my frustrated husband being milked by me and taking John’s cock in his mouth almost pushed me over the edge. with Billie’s head bobbing up and down on John’s cock I had to focus my own attention on making sure that I kept the pressure on the job in hand.
With the vibrator I kept slowly increasing the level of vibration and then it started. the cum started to flow from billie, no spurts, just the drips forming a string, the string becoming a dribble and then it becoming a flow – lovely.
This is not the point to stop, I don’t increase the vibration but I keep the pressure on, I keep talking to billie as he sucks on John, I keep updating him on his progress and I keep watching for when the flow start to slow.
It takes time and as it starts to slow and then becomes a slow dribble and then drips and drops at that point I know that we have got him empty. there is quite a puddle on Billie’s plate. I keep the vibrator on the prostrate for a little longer just to make sure that s/he is empty, and then we are done. I remove the vibrator and the rubber glove.
I take the plate and tell billie to stop sucking John and offer the plate for him to lick clean. billie know what to do and we both watch as he laps up his emissions. Once the plate is clean I put a finger under billie’s chin, lift it up so that he looks at me and simply say “Good Gurl, thats you done now dear.”
I tell billie to clean up and put things away and then to come and join John and I in the main bedroom, I also tell him not to bother dressing just to stay as he is.
As I said this whole activity had me all worked up and with John fluffed by billie I practically dragged John to my room so that I could make full use of what billie had prepared for me. By the time that billie came back John and I were in full sex and billie moved to go and sit on his chair, I told billie to come and join us on the bed and to get under me with his head at my crotch.
That’s the benefit of milking your sissy husband, they are still very horny and once s/he was under me and in position he put his tongue to good use on me and with John.
John brought me to a wonderful set of orgasms – ably assisted by billie, and as he himself came in me and then slowly withdrew and I heard him tell billie to clean him. Once he was happy with the work by billie I felt billie’s tongue being applied back to me and what was now leaking from me. billie did his usual high standard of work ensuring that I was tidied up and consuming as much of John’s cum as possible. I’m a very lucky Girl to have these two boys in my life and in my bed.
Once we had all calmed down I had billie come and join me and John on the pillows and we had a lovely kissing session, with John even joining in. We kept billie in bed with us for the rest of that night with us all “spooning” together with billie in the middle.
Since that night we’ve had billie join us in the bed a couple of times and both John and I have scratched billie’s “itch” with either the cock or the strap on. I intend to Milk billie again later this week and try and do it on a more regular 2-3 week basis.
I need billie to be my submissive sissy cuckold but more importantly I want him and need him to know that he is still my husband and loved very much by me, and I must provide him with the special intimacy that lets him know how special he is to me, whether that is done with me and billie on our own or with John involved.
Remembering back to what Carole told me in the early days, it’s not about the Dominant, its all about looking after the submissive – how right she was, I just needed to be reminded of that and how important it is to carry out the care and maintenance of my husband.
oh behave…..
billie- I just wanted to thank you for your response. I read it earlier, and thought I'd replied. Obviously I messed up. Either of you are free to spank me!! I really did love this response, and original post. Bending over, sara
Glad that your Madam enjoys our blog, please feel free to continue to comment.
billie xxx
My wife very much enjoyed reading this post, your blog has certainly got her feeling inspired!
Your welcome, glad you like what we get upto.
billie xxx
Wow lovely detail, thanks for the post
P – no we don't have an hitachi wand – I'll have a look at that and suggest it to Madam.
billie xxx
Hi P,
I am very lucky, Alice came and spoke to me a couple of weeks ago and asked if I felt neglected or pushed out, it was a good heart to heart and honest conversation. while I didn't think that was the case, Alice was very much of the mind that we should just adjust things.
before the lockdown I would be occasionally be invited to come to bed with her, when she wanted company and often just to have a hug and cuddle – even dominants need to know they are loved! and with Sir being in the house we've not done that. so as always with our relationship, we adjusted and amended.
The cuckold aspect is there, but there are also bits that have us all quite close. from my point of view, Alice is very happy, I'm enjoying things and I have focus and rules/controls/ structure to my life which really work for me and us.
As for being used by Sir for his morning urges, it's an interesting one being awakened by your zip being opened and a dollop of lube being applied to your arse, rolled onto your front and then penetrated at the same time as he kisses your wife good morning – that's one way to be woken up……LoL
billie xxx
Hi Sara,
Madam has been with Sir for 7 years (that surprised me when we chatted about it at lunch. The thing that makes the relationship work for us (Madam and I) is that Sir is not looking for Marriage or for building a relationship in that way, he has been married and he was looking for a physical relationship. the fact that our marriage has the FLR dynamic wasn't what he was looking for but he embraced it and has been very open to being part of it – more so that Madam's previous long term boyfriend.
The development of the bisexual thing was almost a requirement for me as we developed the FLR and also the relationship with Mistress Carole and kerri, but for Master John, while he does agree he is bisexual it is only inside this relationship and in the parameters of being the Bull. I think there is a whole blog post and discussion with this dynamic and lots of people would have different views and opinions on it. I would say that it is very much a power things and we (John and I) discussed it right at the very start that there would be a power difference and a need for him to set the pecking order and my emasculation by him.
When Madam was learning how to milk me, it was definitely a very frustrating process both for her and for me. I'm very glad that she has it now and we have a very good process that does work – but it does keep me frustrated but in a whole different way.
As for Sir and his abilities to become aroused and to then sustain that, well I'm damned if I know how he does it but Madam and I are very lucky – Madam especially.
As for my perspective when we have a three in the bed night, I'm just glad that I make sure that there is KY/ lube in the bedside table drawers. Sir had those sleep suits made specifically with the zips in the rear so that my caged penis/clit could not be accessed other than frustrating rubbed through a layer of satin material and that full access to my bum can be gained. with Sirs Girth and length there is no way that either I or Madam can be quiet when penetrated. so when he does wake up horney, we all tend to wake up…if you see what I mean.
billie xxx
Madam Alice- Thank you so much for your time and expounding in your reply. I very much appreciate it. May I ask, how many years has it been now with John? I can imagine it IS a new environment you all are feeling out now, being full-time for now. It did sound like Carole was instrumental in helping you through things, and that is wonderful.
I "get" John not being bisexual at the beginning, and can see/imagine how things slowly change over times. Especially with the power dynamic thing. I mean, how could He not!?
Oh, I am cringing a bit about how your past trial-and-error sometimes just made billie more frustrated! Ugh… poor girl! You are obviously very smart, and I'm not surprised you've become an expert now (at least as much as you want to be).
Oh, to be an insatiable stud again, especially in the early morning. Sadly, my sex life (married) is more constrained and that never happens anymore. I woke up today thinking about how nice that was when young, and earlier married times. 🙂 Wife now controls when (ok, if) we have sex again, and though I'm not caged, the answer is nearly never. Giving control of that to Her was the right thing for us, but I do miss things!
I do love this post, and this discussion.
I'd also love to hear billie's take/perspective on the three of you together in bed, especially as regards to being the *subject* of John's early morning insatiable relief. I suppose you just take what is being given to you! That back-zip suit must make for less disruption of your beauty rest, Alice… though I don't know for how long!!
xo, respectfully,
Madam Alice – what can i say? A delightful and informative post and one that was a great to read. billie really does get the best of both worlds. i love that the three of you have all been sharing a bed of late and how John uses billie to satisfy his morning urges – i can't remember when i last had such urges myself, how life has changed (for the better).
Do you have a hitachi wand? That would certainly bring billie off very quicly if slipped inside him 🙂
Good Morning sara,
thank you for the comment. both billie and I try and explain what goes on in our relationship and at times that does make for long posts, also when we started this journey we didn't know how to progress things and I was very fortunate to make contact with Carole and she explained a lot of what I had to learn. so in some ways this is my way of passing on things we have learned over the years.
It is nice having John here with us, but as I said it is new territory for us. it's working and we are all enjoying it, we'll just have to see how we go forward into the future.
I may have to explain in a post about John and him using billie sexually. John certainly wasn't bisexual at the start of this relationship but he understood the power dynamic of emasculating billie by making him fluff him and clean him after our sex sessions, but things have evolved and John does quite enjoy having a Girlfriend with a sissy husband.
The zip in the back of the sleep suit was definitely John's idea! I can't claim credit for that and they are lovely.
As for John being a "stud", well yes he is very "gifted" and has quite a lot of stamina….certainly enough to keep me and billie satisfied.
As for my milking technique, there is a lot of trial and error in that, over quite a bit of time, there were times in the early days that I just made billie even more frustrated! but I've got the nack now and it works quite well so long as we take our time and don't rush at it.
I'm glad that you enjoy the posts. we do try and make an effort with this blog as we do enjoy it. we just wish we could both do a bit more with it.
kind regards
Madam Alice-
Thank you so much for your in-depth (should I say "penetrating"?) post.
It was nice to learn of billie's normal maid area, and how you have it arranged.
Congratulations on John staying over full-time!! That must be quite nice for you
and him (billie, too). No wonder you haven't written much, with so many things to manage and do!
I was perhaps naaive a bit on John using billie so much. First, it is great you thought to include billie more, next door and in your bed! Love the outfit billie is wearing, so John can use that "entrance" when he's up early and horny! I didn't know how much of a stud he was in the wee-hours of the morning!!
I really enjoyed reading about your milking routines, past and present. And your latest is wonderful!! Your technique sounds amazing. Being milked with John watching the process would be sooo humiliating for me!! Good to take billie's mind off it by giving him John's cock, lol!!
It sounds like a lovely way you ended the session, and I'm just enthralled by everything you wrote.
Thank you, curtsey, sara
That does sound like a very satisfactory arrangement for you madam which is of course the most important thing . But in addition billy is being well used and no doubt obedient and John is also sexually satisfied. The only thing that I would be concerned about is the money situation but if that is satisfactory you have an ideal situation
Morning Angela,
Our FLR is well established and settled. we both have very successful careers and our private life publically and also n the FLR has very clear rules and boundaries.
As for money it is very well set up and I’m not compromised. Madam has her wages and I have mine, bills are shared equally and when it comes to things like the major purchases they are discussed as part of or vanilla life.
As you suggest we have a suitable and satisfactory situation for our FLR and normal lives. But it is a valid point that you raise, it is an important thing to have laid out when entering a FLR.
billie xxx