Thank you all for the “get well” wishes it is very humbling. The Doctor gave me the thumbs up on Friday that things have cleared up and that I can go back to work. However Ma’am has directed that my return to work will be a gradual process. So I’m restricted to domestic duties here…
An Update from the Luff Household
From Alice Good Morning, firstly an apology for having been rather quite recently, this was due to having been away on our trip and Mick having been up in the Yorkshire and Newcastle area working. And now the important news, while John and I were away we were in contact with Mick/ billie every 2…
I’ve been a very bad girl!
From Madam Alice: I woke up on Saturday morning with a slightly mischievous plan forming in my head. Billie had been in to bring me and John some tea and to check what and when we wanted Breakfast. she was in full maid dress and her usual efficient self. The plan for the day was…
Another milestone crossed
I’ve just spotted that today in the 200 days in Chastity. I didn’t expect to have managed to last this long. well a bit more to push….
Setting the context for the development of billie.
From Madam Alice: I’m working from Home for the next 2 days so I thought I would take a little time out to put a posting together. over the last month or so we’ve had a few messages asking about what my intention is for billie when he decides to retire, for some it is…
Another Milestone achieved and an open discussion with Madam.
Well I’ve passed the 180 days in chastity milestone this week. On Tuesday evening I sat down with Madam for evening meal, she invited me to eat with her and we had an evening of chatting about things, it was very relaxed and we enjoyed a bottle of Red between us. Madam asked me how…
Understanding our Blog, our readers and a Thank You
Having had a bit of time this morning, Madam and Sir didn’t get back until late and are having a late start, I thought that I’d do some work on the blog pages. Having spotted the “stats” button in the Blogger page I thought I’d have a look and see what it’s purpose was. it’s…
An Update from billie
Well it’s been business at usual here in our FLR, with Madam away last week I kept myself busy with my work – the exception being last Wednesday where I was at Master’s house looking after his needs and requirements on behalf of Madam. I didn’t get home until 1am and I was rather worn…
An update from the Head of the Household
From Madam Alice: Evening everyone, I haven’t posted a blog for a while and I thought that I had best put a few things out there on our blog. Normally I would be spending Wednesday Evening’s either over at John’s house or having a Horse Riding Lesson, but the horse I normally ride is lame…
The Cat is away but the mouse still does what it’s told.
Madam is currently away in Bristol for the week with work. This normally happens once or twice in the year as she is part of her Company’s audit and compliance team. This isn’t as harsh as it may sound as basically a team from one office or project Team go and do a check on…