In the grand scheme of things this weekend has been a “quiet” one. Now before you stop reading, just remember that is in relation to some of the weekends that we have had, so please bear with us…..
Now that we are into December it is the start of the “festive season” in terms of parties etc, and having endured 2 years of being arsed about with lock downs and lacking a social life, the works party is back.
Friday night was Madam’s works Christmas function, the company has a venue booked for a meal and some music and drinks, its with Partners so as Madam and Sir are the couple that are seen locally so they were heading out for the “Do”. I would be tasked with carrying out Driving Duties.
Madam was home at 4pm on Friday so that she could get ready as the function started at 7pm and we had at least a 30 minute drive to the venue.
So I knew what she planned to wear so it was pressed and laid out/ hung up. I was given free rein to chose appropriate underwear for her, but she planned to put on her stilettos with the 1″ platforms that gave a heel height of 5″.
So in my role as Ms Watson, House Keeper for Madam, I laid everything out and selected a Black Balcony Bra, a black deep 6 strap suspender belt and a pair of satin fronted full briefs with a lace back (they show of Madam’s bum very nicely!) and then to complete the set a pair of black cuban point fully fashioned stockings – well she is going “Out Out”, so that should have the right effect on Sir.
When Madam got home, I welcomed her and then ushered her up to the bath that was waiting, gathered up her discarded work clothes and then down to the kitchen to return back to Madam with a Glass of Wine to have while she soaked.
while I pottered around downstairs I got a message from Sir that he would be later than he hoped, he was aiming for 5.45pm but I suspected that the traffic would probably delay him, so this evening was going to be a case of quick turn around. I texted back to him to ask if he wanted a bath when he arrived or would he use the shower? (so long as I got a call when he was on route I could get the bath ready for him), the response was that he’d go for the shower. Madam was informed of Sir’s delay and I suggested that once Sir arrived that I would lay out his clothes but unpack his back once I had dropped the pair of them off at the venue.
My job for the evening was to be Driver cum Chauffeur, I would drive Sir’s Car with Sir and Madam in the back to the venue and drop them off, come home, do a few jobs, have something to eat and then wait for their call to come and collect. this would mean that both of them could have a drink and unwind with out worrying about driving or trying to get a taxi/ Uber.
As suspected Sir was closer to 6pm than the expected time and he got the ushering treatment up to the bedroom to get changed and showered. I took his suit cover and checked that everything was neat and tidy (I recognised that I had ironed them earlier in the week for him) and then picked up the car keys.
So with Sir in the shower, Madam busy applying her “war paint” as she calls it, I went to get changed for my driving duties.
For evenings like this where Madam wants an “official driver” the outfit is blouse (white or blue), dark blue pencil skirt, black or barely Black stockings/ tights, heels and my dark blue blazer. It is pretty much one of my office outfits with the blazer added. The change wasn’t too difficult or time consuming, but I put on my grey wig that I’ve recently got and have started wearing quite a bit, I spent a bit of time putting in some hair clips and a hair band so that it would stay in place when I drove. Once I was ready I went outside and turned Sir’s car around and parked in front of the front door ready for the couple to come down.
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“Evening Sir, Madam, I’ll be your Driver for this evening.” |
The two were ready and Madam looked fantastic and I gave a quick check of her to make sure her seams were straight and I then went out and opened the rear door for Madam and once in I went to the other side to let Sir in. Once everyone was in and settled we headed off. I knew where the venue was but knew that the trip could be tricky if the traffic was still busy, but as it turned out it wasn’t too bad with us arriving just a few minutes after 7pm. I pulled up at the front of the venue and Sir and Madam let themselves out – it probably wouldn’t be seemly to for me to get out in my skirt and heels to open the doors, it might cause the wrong type of questions at Madam’s work!
I returned home and had some food and waited for the Whatsapp message to tell me to come and collect them. It was a phone call from Sir at 11.30pm asking me to head over and pick them up. So at about midnight I collected 2 rather merry party goers, Madam was slightly more merry than Sir! They seemed to have had a good night and chatted with me all the way back to the house. As we got back I asked if they wanted anything to eat or drink and both declined – not even a night cap! None! they were off to bed and I was dismissed for the night.
Saturday was a slow day as I had 2 slightly hung over people to deal with for the morning. So after a lay-in to 9am, a good solid breakfast was provided with plenty of coffee and orange juice. The living dead started to come to life about 1pm!
The rest of the day was a very relaxed easy sort of day, I was told that I could go and change into something less formal or get actually go and be Mick if I wanted. I went took off the waist clincher and changed into a bra and suspender belt combo and a knee length skirt and added a polo shirt top with it, so very much a relaxed chilling out outfit for a chilling out afternoon. The evening was just as relaxed as the three of us chatted, watched some TV and took turns to make tea/ coffee or to get the wine (later in the evening).
Sunday would be a different day as well, Madam stated on Saturday night we would all have a lie in, (unfortunately) I would be in my room and not spending the night with Sir and Madam. There would be no early morning call from the maid – as Madam put it she was giving the maid the day off. So we would all have a Brunch rather than a breakfast at about 10am.
Over breakfast myself and Madam had a chat about a number of things and one of the things that came up was future blog posts and things we wanted to do, that we had done and some topics to explore.
The discussion of photos and images was discussed and did we want to publish some? The view was that for the majority of the photos that we take and have taken we would not publish, for a number of reasons privacy would be the number one reason, but we decided that we could and should do something.
A corner of the utility room has been used before as a photo area and was used for the photos in our recent blog post. we all agreed that it ticked the boxes and allowed for an element of discretion but also for us to provide some personal content.
Now a couple of boundaries were checked – Sir did not want to have any photos of him published, The fact that he appears in quite a lot of photos with Madam for our personal enjoyment is another matter. Madam wants to be very discrete and may appear in the occasional image but it would need very careful work to ensure that it was discrete. As Madam puts it there are a few people at work that would have a field day if they knew what we were upto and as she put it a couple of the senior management that would have a heart attack!
As for me, some of the ones that we have done in the past have been fine and as with Madam, discretion is the watch word.
The decision was that we would look to take the occasional photo for the blog post, principally of me but possibly with Madam or Madam on her own, with the idea that it would add perhaps a little bit of context and make it interesting with the other images that we add into the posts.
With that all agreed and discussed we had a chat about what we wanted to do and what blog posts would need something adding to them. The view was that we could start with this post by adding some images of my outfit from Friday night and get things going from there, it was decided that Sunday afternoon would be a bit of a photo shoot.
So…….Myself and Sir went to set up the corner of the utility room, the first thing was to get the camera tripod and also the Camera. We have 2 cameras, a small happy snapper that does some pretty good photos and we tend to carry when out for day trips as it is a handy size and then there is my bridge camera that I use for work when doing site inspections, its very good but a bit big for what we had planned.
The first couple of photos were very vanilla and were more to make sure the tripod was in the right place, we were standing in the right place, where was the light etc, generally a lot of Faffing about. We also realised that the mobile phones we had have a pretty good camera for the the level of light available. While the ceiling light was quite poor the flash from the small Camera was OK, we found that the flash on the phone and the bridge camera were far better.
Once we were happy I was dispatched off to get changed into what I had worn on Friday night or as close to it as I could. Having come back dressed I was told to take position and the first couple of photos were taken with Sir working the camera and Madam directing how I should stand and position myself.
Everything was going well with lots of direction from Madam…
“Stand side on”
“put your foot forward, shoulders back….” etc, she can be rather demanding can my Mistress Wife, it’s in her nature you know!
We got into a rhythm and we started to get some good poses and Sir kept taking the photos, we were really chuffed with the way things were going until we checked some of the photos and realised that the camera mount on the tripod had been slowly slipping with each photo.
The result was that what we thought was going to be a good photo set ended up with part of my head being progressively cut off!
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A photo that Madam liked where I was putting my hair back in place and the camera slipped down! Madam was not impressed with Sir at the time! |
The other problem that this slipping had caused was that the cameras were always adjusting their focus and we had quite a few blurred images with part of my head missing!
However all was not a complete loss we managed to find the part of the tripod and mounting bracket that was the problem and with the addition of some bits of plastic we managed to add in an improvised clamp and the mount was held steady.
so it was a case of start again….
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An official/ formal Driver photo with the jacket done up. |
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And now with the Jacket open showing off a bit more. |
The next part that Madam suggested was a few photos with the blazer removed and some posed photos of Mick’s secretary. Madam wanted a few that were a little different rather than just standing there for official portraits, so for the next 30 minutes we had a laugh as I was directed by both John and Alice to stand this way, stand that way, play with your hair, bend over, flash your stocking tops and on and on.
I think we consumed a bottle of white wine between us as we all tried to pull some of these images together. I’m certainly not going to win prizes as a model and John needs to do a bit more work if he plans to enter any photographic competitions. But we had fun and we all ended up laughing and joking. We did mange to get a few photos that were worth posting.
So for those readers that are new to the blog may I introduce Miss billie Watson, Mick’s secretary and office help.
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Miss billie Watson, with bra in clear view! |
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Fiddling with her hair, you can barely tell I’m wearing a chastity cage! |
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“Crouch down, lets see how that looks?” – it doesn’t look too bad as a pose. what do you think? |
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“Turn round and lean on the wall, cross your legs, show off your legs and bum!” Madam particularly likes this one, I should have perhaps put some seamed stockings on for it? |
As Sunday afternoons go, this was a bit different and quite good fun for all three of us, it is clear that we all need to get a bit better at these things. We all agree that the tripod needs to have a bit of repair work carried out on it and a little bit of practice with the different cameras and photos will let us know what works best for each type of photo.
What do you think? Do we introduce you to the Maids and Housekeeper? Constructive feedback is very welcome.
Overall a relaxed weekend with a bit of fun on Sunday afternoon!
billie xxx
billie – i adore these photos, you pose really well and i am impressed that you even managed to put up a backdrop to give them a 'studio' look. Bravo and well done and i am thrilled (as i am sure others will be) that you have decided to publish some.
You are right about the seamed stockings, they would have been a lovely addition but i have to say how much i adore your blouse, it's so pretty! i love the bow and the fact that it is quite sheer just makes it perfect. The wig also suits you….a lot.
It must have been fun escorting your wife and her lover to her work party. Do they think Sir is Madam Alice's partner or do they know? Madam's suspenders, heels and stockings must make it a great work environment though.
It is great to see you posting on a regular basis.
p.s. – your 'quiet' weekend would count as a pretty memorable one for me and, i suspect, many other readers!
Thank you for the lovely comments, The plan with the back drop was how can we make it a bit tidier and a spare king size sheet pinned to the wall was the answer.
If we had known how the afternoon was going to develop I would have been a bit more selective on what to wear. But…..I suspect that this will not be the last photo session that we do. Madam has suggested that Ms Watson her Housekeeper or one of the maids would be next!
While I'm nervous about it I'm also quite excited about it.
The blouse is one that Madam got from Ebay, it was quite cheap from all accounts and we have seen them on Amazon as well – Sheer Pussy Bow Blouse, Madam said that it was about £12 and it is very nice and comfortable to wear. Madam chose it for me as my first official Miss billie Watson items, she wanted it so that I couldn't hide what I was wearing underneath.
Thanks for the comment about the wig, normally I lose patience with the wigs as they become a pain, but this one – a cheap fancy dress item but is pretty good, having played around with it I now have a full set of hair bands and hair clips and hooking the sides behind my "big lugs" seems to really work as a look. Madam likes, so that is all that matters.
Driving Madam and Sir in "uniform" is always a nervous event but is a massive buzz, particular when I have to drive back on my own. The other bit that can be terrifying is the Pick Up as on one occasion when I was collecting them from a restaurant near Bedford I almost has another couple try to get in the car by cutting in front of John and Alice thinking I was a Taxi!
As for people at Madam's work thinking that Sir is her boyfriend/ partner, that is the case. when we moved down here from Leicester we started the FLR fully and as part of that Madam started her new job with her Maiden Name. I'll dig out a couple of the old blog posts and cut and condense them into a new post that give the context. Madam and I don't socialise locally (we did initially – about 20 years ago but stopped it soon after as it would have perhaps raised eyebrows when Madam went out for a girls night out or on dates). Also Sir was very explicit in his conditions for the relationship that he should be seen as the Boyfriend/ partner. It is very different when we go upto Leicester and see the family, then it is very much Mick and Alice.
I'll leave it there and I'll have a look for the old blog archive for some of the posts and pull them together for a future post.
billie xxx
Dear billie and Madam (and John),
I’m delighted that your are back! Thank you a/All for allowing anonymous comments.
billie, you look wonderful in that outfit. I don’t know how Those Two could avoid grabbing your black bra through that semi-transparent blouse! I’d be happy to do it, out be in the receiving end! 😉
Can’t believe you have my clit tightening up these panties so… ! 😉