From Madam Alice:
Yesterday all three of us were working from the house. I was in the study, John has set up a small work area in our third bedroom and billie was down in her office. It works and we are managing to keep things ticking over.
John came and saw me in the study, closed the door and sat down for a chat. He was concerned about a few things and in particular about how things currently were with billie and how things would be while we were all together at home for a longer period that usual.
I listened to what he had to say and to be honest he was right, we needed to do a bit of resetting the rules and boundaries.
We sat down to dinner at 7pm, John and myself. billie was in her maids uniform and had cooked an exceptional meal as usual, she served the meal and was about to leave back to the kitchen when I stopped her.
“where are you off to missy?”
“Back to the kitchen Madam, to allow you to eat in your own company”
“No dear, as the Maid, please take post behind my chair and to the side, as Mistress Carol taught you, and wait incase you are needed.” billie looked a little perplexed but moved quickly to her spot 2 steps back and to the right of me and waited with her feet together and hands crossed to her front.
we ate the meal and occasionally I motioned for her to top up our glasses, some wine for me and some squash for John (he tends not to drink wine during the week). once we finished John and I continued to chat and then the conversation came round to a topic dear to Billie’s heart.
“Alice, I’ve noticed that billie is quite comfortable with her metal cage, and you’ve not used her punishment cage too much. I think we are probably at a stage where we can reduce her cage down a size, a little shorter and perhaps a little tighter?”
“what do you have in mind for her John?”
We told her to step forward and John told her to lift her skirt and the underskirt. Once exposed I pulled her panties down and John pointed a few things out.
“If you look at it, it seems to be quite comfortable in that cage, it contains it quite well and she does seem to have accepted it very well for long term wear. I would like to see her with something more constraining and also one that we can get her to wear the urethral tube more regularly. I think she is getting a bit too complacent with the wearing of her chastity. I’ve found one on line that I think will be suitable. billie, you’d like a new chastity wouldn’t you?”
The look of panic on Billie’s face was an absolute picture. she answered it the only way she could with a “Yes Sir, Thank You Sir.”
John showed me the chastity on his phone and told me the details, 48mm long and 36mm internal diameter, certainly smaller than her current one, not drastically but certainly enough for billie to notice a difference.
Billie was told to leave her panties off and then to clear the table. I told her to hand wash the dishes and once she was finish to report back to us in the lounge.
By the time that billie had finished the dishes and came back to us she found that both myself and John had striped off, I was in my underwear and John was naked. the scene that billie found was John on the sofa and me kneeling between his legs providing him with a very good blowjob – even if I do say so myself!
John took immediate charge of things and while I slowed my pace on his very lovely cock, I kept a good ear on what was about to unfold.
” Come here sissy, come closer!”
“look at your wife, what is she doing?”
“Giving you oral sex Sir.”
“No sissy she is giving me a blow job, does she give you a blow job?”
“No Sir”
“Does she give you oral sex?”
“No Sir”
“Why not sissy?”
“because I’m her cuckold Sir”
“Its because she doesn’t want to, and she only has sex with a man, isn’t it?”
“and what are you billie?”
“a submissive sissy cuckold Sir”
“You are that billie, but also you’re not equipped to have sex with your wife are you? Lift your skirt sissy show your wife what a small little clit you have.”
I turned my head to look at billie as he lifted the front of his dress with his cage on display.
“Look Alice, look at the pathetic little clit of your husband, no wonder that you have me here to deal with your needs. Your wife needs a Man to look after her physical needs doesn’t she billie?”
billie was looking at the floor and I could see that he was very red, not with anger but humiliation. but the thing that I noticed next was the end of billie’s cage, there was a small drop of cum forming. his small little clit had betrayed him, he wasn’t being hurt by Johns words but they were turning the little tramp on!
John had placed a hand on the back of my head and indicated that start sucking him again, while he continued to emasculate my husband.
“Why are you caged billie?”
“because Madam likes me this way Sir”
“Not only that, sissy, it is one of MY REQUIREMENTS for you, there will only be one cock in this house and it will be mine, won’t it?”
“Yes Sir, sorry Sir.”
“You don’t have a cock do you sissy? it isn’t big enough is it?”
“No Sir”
Your not a man are you sissy, why are you in a maids uniform?”
“No Sir, I’m dressed as a sissy because you require it Sir and it’s so that I can serve both you and Madam as the cuckold Sir.”
I took a side glance and billie was now definitely leaking from his cage.
“Why am I here billie? Why am I in your home and in your marriage?”
“…..because I cant satisfy my wife Sir”
“Good, you remembered, what would you like me to do with your wife, billie?”
” please Sir, would you please fuck my wife, would you please take care of her needs?”
While this may sound cruel, this is what billie would have to ask John when he would come over on a Friday evening, we haven’t done this ritual for several months where the Cuckold asks the Bull to do what he cant.
John had pointed it out that for the last couple of months we had almost settled into a threesome type of routine and he felt that billie needs to be brought back into focus.
As John put it, we had almost been ignoring Billie’s need to be humiliated and emasculated, we hadn’t been fully catering for her needs. John had noticed that the last 2 weeks of billies work programme had dealt with some of her submissive needs but he felt it was time to really focus in on what she needed and I must admit judging by the string of cum leaking from her he was absolutely right!
“Well since you beg so nicely yes I will fuck your wife, right here, now take her place sucking me while she gets ready”
billie quicky knelt down and replaced me sucking John and I got up and removed my knickers. I watched a rather eager husband suck the cock of my boyfriend. there wouldn’t be a need for any oral on me as I was already suitably turned on and I straddled John, facing away from him and told billie to stop sucking and let me get onto his cock. I ease myself onto him and John told billie to keep licking him and me while we fucked.
for the next half an hour John thoroughly fucked me and verbally humiliated billie. We both came and I eased myself off the 9 inches of John, billie was told to clean johns cock first and then to lick me clean.
Once John was satisfied that billie had completed his tasks on us both he was dismissed to go and get a glass of wine for me and some sparkling water for John. I caught a glimpse of my Husband face and it was a look of a rather happy and content sole, I was very please with him and more importantly glad to see that it looked like he had enjoyed himself, back in his proper role of our submissive sissy , but more importantly to me in his role as my wonderful submissive husband.
I do love him so much!
Morning Evy, No Sir has never worn a cage and I don't think it's in his inclination to ever wear one. Lets see what comes of this. you pose a real point, that those that know about wearing a cage understand the issues about day to day wearing of them. The trouble that does fall out of this is that pretty much I've never chosen my own chastity, they have been bought or selected for me. Madam has a good understanding of what I have to go through when wearing one.
We'll see what arrives and we'll see how it goes with wearing it.
The two lessons that we do know is that a hinged or open top back ring is required and the back ring must be 50mm otherwise I struggle to wear it and in some instances struggle to put it on.
billie xxx
Lets waits. The point is that we as wearer of chastity devices knows the weakness of the devices. I suppose that Sir John never had a device on.
But who knows maybe i am wrong with my feelings.
Love you.
Morning Evy, Personally I think that rather than one weekly removal for cleaning it would be probably be 3 unlockings for cleaning.
personally I'm happy with my current metal cage but I think that Sir would like to have me into a smaller (length and girth) cage.
we'll see what arrives and how I have to wear it – either as a short term wear cage or if it will become the permenant cage for me.
we'll see how this develops.
billie xxx
I wonder what the benefits are of this device, peeing will give a mess to my opinion.
It has to take off for cleaning. Why not a open steel very small device, this has not to removed and cleaning is posible without removing the device.
You can also think to the holy trainer nub.
Morning P,
it's been an interesting week. Sir has definitely reset things and taken charge and Madam has been more strict with me.
we are all fine here, hope you and Owner are keeping well.
billie xxx
Your welcome, keep checking in on what we are upto.
billie xxx
Oh my, how hot that was to read! billie truly must have been in 7th heaven. i hope she settles into her new cage when it arrives. Stay safe all and keep having lockdown fun.
Nice post thanks for sharing this post
FRom Madam Alice,
Oh dear Sara, what have we done? we had best get on with another post as a distraction.
Kind Regards
I've been holding off commenting on this, because I can tell it was pushing buttons here and I might inadvertently squirt into my panties!! Such a hot post. Of course I sympathize with billie here. But I understand everyone has their place and role. Place. well that seems to be standing by Mistress.
Getting so verbally humiliated by John is really something. I can't imagine what it was like there, but my clit stood up in my panties here. Oh my, being put in one's place like that!! It sounded like a long session too.
Oh, somehow I avoided squirting in my Vanity Fairs… but only because I hurredly read through some parts!!
Kiss, sara