My two week training programme was brought to an end on Saturday afternoon, at about 3pm. Thankfully I survived my way through it.
With Week One having me in full maid service it was very long days with Madam generally going to bed at about Midnight and wanting to be awoken with her tea at about 6.20am. this normally meant in bed by 12.30am and that I was up at 5am (ish) to get ready, wash, clean myself inside and out, shower, dress and then prepare breakfast (depending on what Madam had stated the night before) then take her Tea up to her, with her tablet so that she can look at the newspapers online.
The hardest part of the day was actually limiting the online activity, and then getting into full work mode, we had hired a heavy duty carpet cleaner for the week so I have done all of the carpets in the house with it. all the rugs and all of the Curtains have been taken down (the heavy winter curtains cleaned and put away and the lighter summer curtains put up. where we have blinds they were taken down and washed/ cleaned. Over all the house had a full spring clean.
The one none maid related task had me in a set of coveralls (with lingerie underneath) doing some painting and maintenance on our gate. Cleaning the metal work off, applying some hammerite paint and then getting into the motor to do some oiling and greasing. Not particularly sissy tasks but something that needed doing – The gate was installed before we bought the place and it does need a twice yearly servicing but that is within my capabilities. I just end up covered in paint and grease.
I have to say that the second week was the hardest.
The maths tests – I’m not bad at maths, that is a good thing for a Surveyor to be, however with the time constraints and the way the questions are written these tests aren’t easy to complete in the time allotted, you need to learn a technique to deal with them and then use it. Madam knew how to set the parameters to make these a real challenge and she set the Bar quite high for me, anything less that 90% in each test would be a punishable fail – punishments would be with the paddle and on a sliding scale depending on the score.
90 and above – pass
80 and above – 3 with the paddle
70 and above – 5 with the paddle
60 and above – 7 with the paddle
59 and below – fail, 12 with the paddle
The typing tests were the challenge, for these Madam made me add the heavy bra fillers that I have (knee highs filled with rice), and on Monday I had to complete 200 lines correctly at a minimum speed of 20 words per minute. this then increased to 500 lines by Wednesday onward. Not an easy test and punishments were at Madam’s discretion but with the tawse. Now added to this as a distraction I had Wednesday and Thursday as silence days with the gag. That adds a whole new dimension to things.
so typing with a penis gag in place and a filled heavy bra means that you aren’t in your normal work posture, with large breasts you suddenly become aware of the benefits of touch typing – which I really struggle with at the best of times any way.
so as a result I ended up with more punishments for the typing than the Maths. As a general rule I was averaging 6-8 with the tawse across my backside a night and 3-5 with the paddle (apart from the first night where I got 12 with the paddle – I had scored above 60 but Madam expected better from me!)
In terms of no sexual contact with Madam or Sir, that was really difficult. yes I know I’m caged and I should be used to be frustrated but consider this fact – since being caged and with Sir and Madam being together I have had a far more active sex life that I had had for many years previously. so to be cut off from it but to still be surrounded by it, to see it (Madam made a point of spending the evening in just her lingerie with a satin robe, and Sir tended to be either naked or in a light dressing gown.) To be made to listen to Madam masturbating with her toys while in the corner of the room and then being told to collect the toys and go and clean them (with water rather than with my tongue) or to be present when Sir and Madam have sex, knowing that you will not be participating is incredibly frustrating and hence some very damp knickers. Its amazing how I can start to self milk with the butt plug while stood in a corner listening to things.
Sir has got all of his workers working from home, and he is splitting his time between his office and here. and I’m doing my maid work in the mornings, preparing lunch and then change and of to my office at the bottom of the garden.
everyone stay safe out there and keep blogging and commenting.
billie xxx
billie- Thank you, dear. I can imagine! I've tried with smaller wiffle ball gags, and trying not to drool out all over the dang place and my outfit is soo challenging!! Girly hug, sara
Sara, The gag does cause me an issue as I try not to drool, trying to swallow the build up of saliva takes quite a bit of effort on my part and a lot of it is to overcome the mental barriers.
billie xxx
billie- Congratulations! You did good, considering all the challenges. Some I expected. The typing test was particularly diabolocal, lol! Of course, i learned to touch-type in school (why not!? well, i was told to, actually). And have those rice-bras.. lol (glad i'm not alone!) But it would be hard to type with those and a big gag!! Hee.. Did you get chapped around the mouth? I hope the drool problem wasn't too bad.
Glad you are getting more sexual involvement since Alice and John got together. But can certainly understand the problem of your "damp panties," as you put it! kiss, sara
Thanks Bill, it was one of the more challenging set of tasks that I've been set, spending the day with a gag in wasn't easy. With Madam at home I'm expecting more day long tasks.
billie xxx
I know you can do it, Billie, I just know it. No matter what, I'm proud of you.
You too, stay safe, and have a nice day.
Hi Eve, it was definitely the longest that I done wearing a gag and the knack seems to be not to have it too tight. there is the dilemma of do you let yourself drool the whole time or have it build up and then try and swallow. Im glad that we are back on (semi) normal routine.
billie xxx
Hi Billie, glad that you are back .difficult time and sure with the gag in your mouth, dribbeling , drooling, etc.
Love xxx