Well I’ve passed the 180 days in chastity milestone this week.
Madam asked me how I was coping with the chastity and also with the way things were going with life, the FLR and myself. Now this isn’t an unusual occurrence between Madam and I, this is Alice doing a health check on her husband.
we were both open and honest with each other, which you have to be and there has been times during these types of chats when I’ve had to be very frank and honest about my feelings, my emotions and how things have developed or how I perceive things may develop. Our chat on Tuesday was just fine and there wasn’t any worries or concerns
On my chastity – I’m fine with the confinement and the duration, especially as there are outlets for my frustrations, truth be told I am probably mores sexually active and intimate with Madam (and Sir) while in chastity than when out of it. so all good on that point.
On the sexual use with John – again I’m fine with this and do actually get turned on by it and enjoy it, yes he can be forceful, but always within bounds and also he isn’t nasty or mean with it. He get the relationship of the FLR, the Sub and Dom aspect and added to which we both get on in normal life. I pointed out to Madam that there was probably a bigger shift in the relationship of now having a Straight Alpha that is more comfortable with bi activities.
On Madam going on holiday – again I’m fine with that as she is going with John but I was disappointed that kerri wasn’t available to visit but that is real life and work.
From Madam:
My chastity will continue until Christmas. Madam wants me to prepare for long term chastity wear going forward.
My bi sexual submission, Madam explained that she was really pleased about the way that I felt and that I was getting sexual enjoyment and turn on from the chastity, submission and being used by her and Sir. she really enjoys watching me submit to John and also is turned on when she receives oral from me or fucks me with her strap-ons.
My feminisation, this will continue at a slow steady pace. no big changes but the big change will happen when I move towards retirement. so selective shaving of hair, more female outfits and clothes, underwear must be female unless permission given by Madam. I should view my self as house wife, maid and secretary and make more effort to use female and sissy terms for myself. She still wants me as Mick from time to time, both as her husband and sexual partner, but billie is now the default.
we chatted about a lot of things, none of these things were surprises and none of it scared me, this was a road that we both needed to travel and I’m happy to walk down it holding the hand of my wife and lover. Our relationship is very secure but I’m sure that it’s just different from the “normal”. but it works for us.
so with a bottle of red empty and some good honest talk, Madam told me to change into something naughty for bed and go up and wait for her. Well I didn’t wait too long and my Mistress complemented me on being her slutty wife and took out one of her strap-ons so that she could fuck me into full submission. Once she was content we settled down to making love to each other and finally we fell asleep together. We’ve been married for a long time and it is moments like this that let you know that you still love each other – I know it’s all very soppy but hey it’s our marriage and it’s what makes it work!
Billie xxx
(just to be clear I was in my cage at all times)
Madam Alice and billie – just to say congratulations on the relationship that you have established. As you say communication is vital and you are both an inspiration to many i am sure.
i am quite jealous about the mention of you perhaps retiring in the not too distant billie. At this rate Owner and i have at least another two decades to go and sods law says we will drop dead before then. But to be an at home housewife would be wonderful. That said, i am lucky in that i do get to work from home quite often, though not as much as we would both like of late.
Take care and congratulations on your milestone! i had quite a 'leak' the other day when Owner was teasing me but we agreed it was not an orgasm – it wasn't – so my period of denial continues.
From Madam Alice,
Hi Evy,
rest assure we are going no where near hormones for Feminisation. I want a submissive husband that is dressed in female clothing, that takes on "traditional" female roles in the home, we'll look over time to add breast forms and eventually to have her completely hairless from the eyebrows down. while Chastity does have an effect as we've found, it isn't long lasting when billie is released and I like it to stay that way, I like my Mick with his cock and my billie with her locked clit.
also please look at some of our older posts our relationship has developed from a position of understanding about each other, and being open and honest. My husband is my priority and I love him in both of his personas with all my heart.
I may ask Billie to look at some of our older blog posts and some of the salvaged WORDPRESS site posts and put a post together explaining our journey and the evolution of billie.
Kind Regards
Hi Billie,
I was waiting on a posting like this one, it goes about communications, feelings and concerns about YOU.
Be careful about hormones.
Love Evy
Love Evy
Thanks Vivian, I hope that you keep following us and please feel free to comment.
I could only dream of this.