In the last few days I’ve re set up our Flickr account after all the hassle that there has been with Pintrest, Tumblr etc. One of the things that really struck me as I set the account up and looked at groups and some of the photos was that Chastity seems to have become more popular and more common.
In fact long term chastity wear seems to be normal with submissives now of all types. I had this view that regular and prolonged chastity wear was in a minority – with the bulk of chastity use being more part of the short term wear, used in a “session” type of way.
The more that I look at it and look around, it does seem to be a major part of the FLR and cuckolding relationships, I almost feel let down that we aren’t doing something out of the ordinary – God Forbid that our FLR is “Mainstream!!!!!”.
Also a lot of crossdressers, TVs, sissys and submissives (and combinations of all of those) seem to indulge in chastity wear, either self imposed or with a keyholder.
I don’t know why this was a surprise.
The variety, range and availability of chastity devices has improved massively since we started playing with chastity as part of our FLR. and looking back at my first one, a CB2000 it was a pretty basic affair. Definitely a “session” chastity and not really comfortable for long term wear.
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A cb2000, but not me |
Since then we have purchased several, either as a play item or to try and find that elusive device that is perfect for long term (permanent??!!?) wear.
Below is our collection, less the ones that I currently wear:
my chastity collection less the pink polycarbon CB6000s and the new metal cage |
We started with the CB2000 in 2005 and that was OK as a introduction, Madam and Mistress Carol took myself and Kerri up to London to a shop to purchase the cages. The cage really was a learning tool but was big and bulky to wear long term and certainly an obvious uncomfortable lump when wearing trousers.
The metal cage next in the row (first in the lower row on the left) is definitely a session cage, it’s heavy to wear and pulls both the scrotum and the sissy cock down. Madam does like me wearing this when she want to have a bit of a bondage torment session as this cage allows her to tease me and then when the cage is full to torment my tightly held appendage.
The next one that we went to was a CB6000 in 2010, Madam had read reviews and they seemed to be the next main type of cage and it looked like it would allow for longer term wear. Having purchased a proper CB6000 it was working well for a period, slightly more comfortable and then a bit of disaster. We were coming back from an evening out and I was caged and driving and all of a sudden there was pain in my groin. We had to pull over and thankfully the services were only a few miles a head. The cage had split along the seam and was trapping various bit of cock and scrotum skin. Thankfully Madam had the key with her and we could remove the broken cage. Thankfully there was no real damage other than small cuts and bruising – not a good day!!
We stopped all chastity play for about 6 months (I had recovered within a week or so) and we looked at how to repair the cage. a bit of epoxy resin looked to be the way ahead but we then saw an article that highlighted this apparent problem with a batch of CB6000. The suggestion was that if the rings were still OK (ours were) then buy a CB3000 cage and with some very minimal filing of the holes the back rings and pegs would fit and the chastity would be back on the road with a more reliable cage. Well for £26 we had a new cage and about 10 minutes with a couple of small files we had the chastity back ready to use.
This Chastity started to be the main one for us and it could be worn long term, not just days but weeks and chastity came back as being part of our play and our FLR.
We also started to see that there were other types of model out there and they had some good reviews. The Birdlock and holytrainer. we decided that we would give them and try. The silicone birdlock is really comfortable but as I have large bollocks (need to use a 50mm back ring) it tends to hold the chastity out and away from the body, not good for wearing with trousers!! but it is a pretty good and comfortable chastity for long term wear when you are enfemme.
my silicone birdlock, a comfortable chastity, but bulky to wear under trousers |
The Holytrainer we tried wasn’t comfortable – the shaped backring was really comfortable but the cage wasn’t, even after using a bit of adjustments and trimming of the plastic it still remained an uncomfortable wear.
with the experience of using the silicone birdlock we thought we would try a silicone CB6000 mainly to see if it would allow for comfortable long term wear with trousers and such like. Comfortable – Yes, wear it with trousers – Yes, any use as a chastity – No, it was like wearing a rubber sock! once it warmed up with body heat it became very soft and would stretch as I became erect. so it didn’t score very high.
So we decided to go to the other extreme and went for a metal CB6000, this was very comfortable – heavy but comfortable. the backrings were great, nice and smooth and there was no rubbing issues – a small drop of moisturiser on the ring twice a day and it would be fine for long term wear. The cage was comfortable and with a little bit of KY and to would slide on and into place. we used this for a lot of sessions and this was the cage that I had when Madam started to see Master on a regular basis.
One of the things that we also started to notice was that when flaccid I wasn’t filling the cage – now this isn’t shrinkage.
I’ll divert off a little. I’ve been using Chastity for near 15 years now, and certainly more regular and long term wear. In the early days wearing a chastity was difficult as it had me aroused the whole time, so the cage would be full. over time I’ve got used to wearing it and I still get erect to fill the cage but for routine things and while I just do me normal work, everything relaxes and a large amount of time I’m in a flaccid state. what that means is that I can wear smaller cages as I’m more used to putting them on and stay flaccid for them – as opposed to the early days where it was almost like trying to get a (small) inflatable elephant into a suitcase! due to being aroused by the thought of a session in chastity. is there Shrinkage of my sissy penis – no, but after a long period in chastity it does take a little bit time to get back to my massive 5″. if you’d been confined for several months it would take time for you to wake up and stretch out.
After a few checks on things and sizing we thought we would try a pink polycarbon CB6000s. not a real one but a copy with the view if it works we would purchase a proper on. well it did work and work very well.the cage was comfortable but I had problems with the back rings digging in. they rings had a edge to them rather than being smooth and round or oval. so we decide to play about with the components of all of the chastities that I had and Franken Cage was born.
FrankenCage used the pink polycarbon cage, the back ring from the Metal CB6000, and the pegs and spacers from original CB6000 (the metal spacers do work but the plastic ones have been cut down to the appropriate size). we had a really comfortable chastity device that was really good for regular wear, long term wear and was reasonably discrete when worn under trousers – tight jeans should be avoided.
Initial version of FrankenCage |
The other one that is in the photo at the top is the Chastity with the connection for the TENs unit. Madam and Sir love this one, I’m not quite so keen, upto level 17 is a exiting thrill but above that is punishment settings. Madam has found that if I’m put into this cage and she pegs me with her strap-on and she sets the level to 15-17 then she can get me to drip cum/fluid a lot quicker than would normally happen – this isn’t the case at the minute due to the prolonged period that I’ve had in my current cage.
and now we come to my current cage, Madam wanted me to try a smaller metal open cage and see how I get on. It arrived in October November time last year and we swapped me to it for short periods. with it’s shaped back ring and it’s tight curve and my ability to be flaccid and relaxed when putting them on it is a very comfortable cage (???!!??). over the next few months we swapped between the new cage and Frankencage until after my easter release we went full time with the smaller metal cage.
my current cage – with internal lock and tight curved cage. |
The real advantage with this cage is the internal lock, no more requiring an elastic band to hold the padlock down against the cage to prevent the click click click of the padlock knocking against the cage.
My last observation on the cages – as I have started to wear smaller cages I have also had to change my lingerie wear. I still have a foreskin and it doesn’t retract so it is there at the end of my little sissy clit when I pop it into the cage and with the smaller cages it can hang out/ stick out the end of the cage – which is good when you go for a pee but it means that I can’t wear lace fronted knickers and panties – it is like taking a cheese grater to your foreskin, so satins, nylons and silks only with these types of cages.
So that’s is my evolution journey through Chastity. I’m sure it hasn’t ended, Madam and myself have spoken about the potential of getting a small metal cage with a urethral plug as a punishment cage for short term wear, so we will see where we go next.
So the question dear reader (if you are still there) is has chastity become Mainstream? Is there more submissives wearing them? is it now an essential part of a FLR or cuckolding relationship?
or is it the fact that it is a more establish part of our relationship and daily life that we notice more of it or actively look for others that are doing the same?
a lot to think about. well have a good weekend, looks like the weather will be kinder to us and we may have the BBQ that we missed last weekend. Master John is over for the whole Bank Holiday so it will be busy!
billie xxx
billie – you pose an interesting question and one which i hope others chip in with their views about too.
My own chstity journey has been quite similar to yours in some respects. We started with a CB3000 (which actually worked pretty well on a 24/7 basis). After about 5 years of on and off wear we then tried a v different style of device – a new lock plastic one – which was hopeless. We went back to the CB3000 then tried a silicone birdlocked device with internal spikes – a mistake that caused some (temporary) skin issues on my clit. After that we went to the first of my metal cages which was good but i ordered a cage that, in hindsight was too big. We then went for a Holy Trainer device which was good but again too big. i still use this when travelling to pass through security – though i have still been stopped with it on. Then eventully we got to the HappyGo super small which has been my 'go to device' for over 18 months. It is the cheapest one we ever bought but arguably has been the best. It has a very discrete barrel key and is small enough to wear the kind of tight jeans i prefer.
As to whether chastity is becomign more mainstream? That i would love to know. i think the devices have definitely improved over time which probably helps, especially the emergence of very small cage devices which i find to be the most comfortable – the smaller the better in my view. i also wonder whether it is part of a wider trend of men in geeral becoming more in touch with their more beta sides than perhaps they felt able to admit a few decades back? With hindsight i would love to have been fitted with a device in my late teens. It would have saved a lot of stress and anxiety and disappointment. i have blogged previously about how i have not had penetrative sex with Owner for over a decade and can honestly say that i don't miss it. i don't think i am alone in saying that trying to penetrate someone often just led to performamce concerns on my part, i rarely ever enjoyed it. i am happiest being fucked or orally pleasuring a partner so my cock/penis is pretty redundant anyway. That said, wearing a device was my choice to start with – something i sought Owners permission to do. She does not insist on it and never has but i find that wearing it serves as a great constant reminder of my status and also helps me to focus pleasuring Her and enjoy myself in the process, free from a fear that my clit/cock might not live upto expectations (btw your 5 inches beats my effort).
i would also say that wearing a device and being kept denied does not mean one is not having sex. i think i get to enjoy some fantastic sex, it just never involves my clit/cock. But it is still hugely pleasurable.
One thing you did mention though which i confess i have never understood is wearing a device just for the duration of a scene. For me whenever one gets locked on it is always with a view that it is on 24/7. Whether that last a few days or a months or longer the intention is to wear it for an extended time period. i have never been interested in wearing one for just a few hours,
Anyway, i am rambling….again!