Wed, 21 Jun 2017
It’s been a bit of a long weekend and Mistress Alice is now back at work and I have been tasked to do a very quick update with a more detailed one to follow later this evening.
We have a routine when it comes to most weekends and this weekend was no exception: Thursday evening is review my punishment book and receive punishments as deemed appropriate. sometimes Mistress will consider holding over a punishment until her Boyfriend visits, either for her to punish me or for me to humbly request that Master administers my correction. Mistress Alice graciously decided to punish me for all of my short comings. After punishments I am given direction on what is planned for the weekend and what will be required for me.
In this case Mistress Alice’s Boyfriend would be arriving on Friday Evening and staying until Monday Morning. I would be required to be in Maid role for the majority of the time.
Friday is a normal work day until 4pm, when I finish and go and change and ensure that everything is prepared for Mistress and Master – bedding changed, wine chilling and ensure that we are ready to prepare the evening meal. I will also change into my working uniform prior to Mistress Alice returning at 5.30pm (ish). Master normally arrives at around 7pm. I will then be on call as Maid and submissive for the evening.
Saturday will have me doing my house husband/ wife duties of making breakfast and tiding up. I then go for the weekly grocery shop – not as a maid, but in male over clothes. once back it is back into uniform and carry on. Mistress and Master will normally go out on a Saturday for meal or a drink, I must help Mistress get ready – bath, dressed etc. I am normally dismissed to get changed into one of my Chauffeur outfits as I will drive Mistress and Master to and from their chosen venue. On their return I will then change back into a maids uniform. more to follow…..
Follow on…
As a matter of choice then it is Mistress that I prefer but I really do understand why we have the deferred punishments for delivery by Master John. we are also lucky that Master John understand it and gets it. Also he has listened to Madam on how to give the punishments. One of Madam’s previous Boyfriends just saw it as an opportunity to cause pain to me me and it was one of the reasons why she ditched him, while he played in the “Scene” as it were he just didn’t get the dynamics between Submissive and Dominant. Master John does get it and plays allow with it, that why Madam has been with him for so long and also in the vanilla setting I get on well with him. but as a matter of choice I’d rather have my education at the hand of Mistress Alice.
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