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Author: Sissy billie
a 58 year old submissive husband in a loving marriage to his Mistress Wife. we live in a Female Led Relationship where my Mistress Wife is the Alpha and I am the submissive beta.
A Girls Weekend – plans being made.
From Madam Alice: We had a hope to have a get together with Carol and Kerri at the New Year, but unfortunately Carol had taken unwell with the flu and was bedded down so Myself and my husband had to entertain John on our own, and I think we managed to keep him entertained! We…
Updating the Blog
From Madam Alice: Currently Mick is travelling home from 2 days away with work so this evening I have been at a loose end and have been doing a bit of tinkering with the blog. Some of this has been long planned changes and others has been just been a bit of trial and error…