Having had a lovely valentine’s day with Madam, and being downsized in my chastity, it was now a case of getting ready for Madam going away for the weekend with Sir. Madam had booked the Friday off and as directed I had planned to do my normal Friday tasks and to keep my afternoon schedule fairly flexible.
so on Friday morning neither I or Madam knew where she was going or the weekend, Sir had it all organised. Madam knew it was going to be an AirB&B for accommodation for the Friday and Saturday night and that she would be out for dinner each evening and out during the day.
I helped her pack her bag in the morning, and then went and changed so that I could go for the weekly grocery shopping, Sir arrived just before I was leaving and came in for a cup of tea, so I said cheerio and headed off into town.
I got back about 11.30, Madam and Sir had left and I found a wrapped present on the kitchen work top, a selfie stick to use with the phone that we use for doing some of our photos. There was also a note from Madam telling me that she had packed a bag for me and it was on my bed (it was padlocked with a combination padlock) and the note also told me to pack an overnight bag with my toiletries and towel, a change of underwear, some male casual wear and bring the camera and phone, with the self stick. I was told to wait for more information.
At 1.30pm I received a whatsapp message from Sir telling me to get my bags and head to a hotel near Cambridge (address supplied) and ask for a room that had been booked for “billie Watson”. I was to message him to let them know when I arrived.
I got there eventually, despite the Friday traffic, checked in and was told that a room had been booked by my “Boss”. The room was very nice, I dropped my bags and sent a message.
Madam sent me a reply, with the combination for my bag and also with my 2 tasks for the evening. These were to involve taking a couple of sets of photos, both as part of a bigger task. Unfortunately I can’t go into details at the moment until the whole of the tasks have been completed. The tasks involved a few sets of photos and a few changes of clothes, by the time I had finished both tasks I was ready for bed. That was my Friday evening.
Saturday morning I got a message from Sir telling me to check out of the hotel and to be at a certain Coffee shop in Cambridge by 10.45am and to get myself a cup of tea and just wait and watch. At 11am(ish) a couple came into the coffee shop holding hands, and very close to each other. They ordered and went to the other side of the room and sat down, yes it’s Madam and Sir.
When Madam sat down you could just see the welts of her stockings. They were sat having their coffees for about 20 minutes and during that time I got a few very cuckold/ humiliation related whatsapp messages from Sir. I had another cup of tea and just watched them from the other side of the room. They finished and left and I got my next whatsapp delivered instructions to go and do some shopping and get Madam a pair of black panties and black stockings suitable for her to wear for going out for dinner with her boyfriend. I was also told to go to a certain pub at 1pm to have lunch, but to order from the bar menu, no alcohol, just soda water.
Madam and Sir appeared at 1.15pm and it appeared that they had booked a table in the dining area. I moved to a seat where I could see them better and they could see me. Once they had finished their lunch I was messaged to go and enjoy some sights of cambridge and get my daily steps in (I’ve been increasing my walking as part of fitness/ weight loss programme to help with my health improvement.)
At 5pm I got a message that “Madam’s maid” was expected this evening and I was sent an address and where to park – this was the Air B&B that they were staying in – to which I got back to my car and headed there. I grabbed my bags and went into the building, they had the loft apartment at the top of the block, very nice.
I was sent to the spare bedroom to get changed down to my underwear that I had on under my street clothes. Madam came to the room and told me what the plan was for the evening. I would help her get ready, then I would then drive them both to the restaurant that they were booked into and then come back to the apartment. Once they were finished they might go for a drink but they would get a taxi back to the apartment.
Madam had packed my dark blue jacket, my sheer trousers and black shoes in one of her bags, so that I would look appropriate as their driver. She told me to wear the white sheer blouse that was in my bag.
The jacket just covered the top of my sheer trousers and Madam made the point that I was not to wear any panties so my new pink chastity cage would be on display if my jacket was open. Also the blouse was a white “pussybow” type of blouse, so there was no way to try and claim that it was a normal shirt, it was very clear what it was. Once dressed I was sent to get my car from the parking area at the back of the apartment, I brought it round to outside the apartment ready to pick them up, but I had to come in to let them know it was outside. Madam had handed me one of my face masks as I was leaving so I suspected that at some point there would be photos taken. As I came back into the apartment block Madam was at the bottom landing of the stairs and took some photos with her phone as I came in and some more at the top of the stairs.
Before we left Madam gave me a particular task to do when I got back from dropping them off at the restaurant. The apartments had a Lift and I was tasked to get dressed in skirt and blouse and take a set of photos next to the lift, one of the photos had to show my chastity. (you all have to thank Poppet Subslut for this as she has been badgering me to do this type of thing for ages and Madam had picked up on this and so I was duly tasked…..Thanks P!!!!)
With both of them ready I got them out of the flat and drove them into the town centre to the restaurant and then headed back to park up and get back to the flat.
Now the thing is that the whole experience was nerve wracking as the other flats in the apartment block were occupied and I could hear people moving around. so the there was a constant risk that one of them would come out into the corridors or landings or even use the lift!.
Once I was back in the flat I got changed for the task When ready I had to get out of the apartment and go across the landing next to the door of the lift. I’ll admit I was bloody nervous as there were people coming and going from the ground floor flats, I was very conscious of the sound of my heels on the floor and every noise from downstairs. The things I do for Madam! Here are 2 of the photos, I was using the selfie stick and was still getting used to it. I’m sure I’ll get better with it with more practice!
With the photos taken, and task complete I was safely back in the flat.
A few hours later I got a message telling me that Sir and Madam had just ordered a taxi and they would be back in 15-20 minutes and that I was to be waiting by the door with some wine for my Mistress and her boyfriend. I was told to be in my pink cuckolding outfit.
I got a message telling me that Sir and Madam had just ordered a taxi and they would be back in 15-20 minutes and that I was to be waiting by the door with some wine for my Mistress and her boyfriend. I was told to be in my pink cuckolding outfit.
I had to rush to get changed and dressed, I was about halfway through getting ready when another message arrived telling me that they were about to arrive and that I was to be ready with my panties lowered so that Sir could see my new chastity (he hadn’t really seen it earlier.) so it was all a bit of a rush to get finished dressing. The message also said that I was to have the door to the Flat fully open so that I could be seen as they came up the stairs (and anyone else for that matter) – I was to be exposed again!
I added my face mask to my outfit as I figured that there would be photos taken.
There has been a few additions to the cuckolding outfit. One of which was the modification of the front of the dress, this was based on the suggestion from Poppet. I’ve added a series of press studs on the inside of the front of the dress so the front can be clipped up to have me on display or dropped if Sir wants me covered.
Madam had found a pair of pink heels in a charity wedding shop in Milton Keynes, I dread to think what the wedding or bridesmaid dress looked like if these were the shoes for it, you can see they are all very pink!.
Madam also got me a pair of pink garters, one for my leg and the other for a choker, as well as a pink wig just to complete things. All very pink! The last addition to the outfit was a pink corset, a gift from kerri.
Knowing that they were on their way into the building made me rush, I got the wine poured, the front door of the flat open and into position with the tray ready for Madam and Sir. I was now stood there with the flat door open and my caged clittie exposed to anyone that popped their head round the corner.
The relief that I had when the sound of people on the stairs turns out to be Madam and Sir! Madam had her phone out and photos were taken.
Yes I know my socks aren’t right and when I pushed down the pantie bloomers it moved one of my stockings, also the bow in my hair wasn’t square on, so all of these errors in my dress were pointed out to me so that they could added to my review book for thursday night, when my bum would be made to suffer for my lack of attention to detail.
Sir, gave me a good inspection particularly the new cage and that resulted in a lot of verbal humiliation.
I spent the evening carrying out maid duties, both in my exposed dress and also later I was directed by Madam to remove my dress and to serve just in my underwear. When not required I was put in the corner of the living room, with the occasional comment directed at me about how pink suited me.
Eventually with the bottle of wine finished Madam and Sir retired to their bedroom and I was dismissed to my room with the instruction to keep my door open so that I could hear what they were up to and incase I was needed. I was also told that they would be having a lie-in in the morning so there would be no need to make breakfast.
My services were called on once during the night, for both Sir and for Madam.
In the morning I was up and on the go for 8am, with having made some tea when Madam appeared, I provided her with a cup of coffee and she sat down with me and asked if I had been alright with the weekend and also with the elements of exposure. It was a fair question and I explained that while I was very nervous (ok I was more than nervous) about the whole thing I did get a buzz from doing it. I explained that I wasn’t sure about doing it too often but I would probably be ok with the occasional bit of exposure.
We chatted for a short while and I made Alice another cup of coffee for her and a tea for John. I asked what the plan was for the day and I was told that once I was ready I could head back home and Alice and John would be back later in the day, they were going to have a bit of a trip out to a few places around Cambridge and then grab a pub lunch somewhere that John knew of.
so once Alice headed back to the bedroom I went and grabbed a shower, dressed and packed my bags to head home to wait for them to come home later on.
The weekend was far more interesting than I had expected, considering I thought that I would be at home all weekend receiving updates by whatsapp, so being involved was great and my forced exposures were nerve wracking but yes I’ll admit I did quite enjoy the element of risk to it (Poppet you have a lot to answer for!). I’ll have to see what my next set of tasks are!
Category: chastity, cuckold, driver, emasculate, emasculation, humiliation, lingerie, Madam, maid, Master, photos, Poppet, submissive, valentines day
Bravo billie, bravo. Now we demand an encore 🙂
Seriously though how lovely it was that you got to share and participate in Madam and Sirs special weekend together and you do look adorable in your outfits. i knew there was an exhibitionist slut inside of you just waiting to get out and about, so to speak.
Congrats on your escapades, i know how nerve-wracking (but thrilling) they can be.
i look forward to the next one 🙂
billie- Oh my!! What a lovely Valentine’s weekend! Well, especially for our lover couple, but for you as well.
When the post started, I was just thinking (jealously) what a great time and wonderful sex they would have on the weekend. It made me a bit wistful.., and just a wee bit hard.
But the weekend was sooo much better choreographed and fun than I thought! So many little things.
I loved your mysterious instructions with the lock. Being signed in at hotel reservation from “your Boss” was a nice sub-inducing touch.. though I figure you’d been anticipating everything your whole drive.
I’d love to see some more pics of your chauffeur outfi, with transparent slacks , and the term pussy-bow just makes me melt! Lol, I’m so nutty. Maybe on other communication?
The pictures in the hallway by elevator must have been a true mind-fuck! I too would be listening for any creaking boards or footsteps! You look nice there!
Ooh, would love knowing what cuck-related text comments you got while watching them at the restaurant. Brilliant.
I must say, you look wonderful in your new sissy outfit! I’m glad They added pink to your color palette. :). Yes, bloomers down, girl!!💕. Your whole outfit and look are wonderful. I’m sure the tips Madam gave you improved your presentation. :). Blushingly, I must admit my sissy side wanted to go over and give you a hug… and maybe a bit more. 😉 would have kept you busy whilst the lovebirds had their own fun!!
billie- thank you, and Madam and sir. What an exciting weekend away!
Before I go further, I’d love to know how your health program is coming along, either here or by email. I’m facing an unexpected back procedure myself now.
Things that stood out (besides my small cocklette) as I read:
Love your instructions, including to take a change of underwear. For us, it gets confusing! Obviously you brought all that was needed. And like a true slave girl, you probably needed an extra suitcase.. perfect!
Watching Them in the restaurants must have been interesting (but perhaps a bit boring too… what can one do?). The racy texts probably had a nice zing to them there. I wonder if a staff member noticed your extra interest, and even pointed it out to other workers. Is that guy a perv or something?
I love the sheer slacks— especially without a panty. I’ll admit, I zoomed in to see your pink cage in Madam’s pic! A pussy bow is so femme— but the name itself is the best part! O my.
I like the pink PINK 💗 outfit! Having a choker, too, hee. Everything on display. And I’m sure you gladly assisted both when directed. 😉
The public moments at b and b are exciting, and terrifying to.. heart-accelerating, I should say! I’ll bet you were SO conscious of your heels clicking in the hallway… because you know a guy would hear those and be curious.. women are always curious. So a risky proposition by the elevator. Thanks for sharing these pics. I encourage Madam to keep having you take more pics with your new ‘ably “stick.”
Love the idea of you standing there with pink things and drinks — with the door open! Nothing like “safety” once you know you’ve not been discovered by a random person. I figure being on upper level the risk was lower here?
I do wonder how you felt coming and going from unit in your pussy-bow, transparent driver uniform. We’re you similarly dying of fear that you’d meet somebody at the front door or hallway?!
I’ll stop here, dear
Xo sara
That all sounds very exciting and while I have served as a maid many times to domiant ladies I have never been in a situation where the lady’s male partner is involved. I am currently taking steps to correct my inexperience in satisfying gentlemen with some interesting (As far as | am concerned) experiences
We have just discovered your site, and think it’s amazing! We are a married middle-aged couple who are also into the FLR/Sissy lifestyle. We have been together about five years, and when we met my wife-to-be had no conception of femdom, female-led relationships, BDSM or sissies. She came from a marriage with almost no sex at all. I gave her Elise Sutton’s excellent book on female domination and she read it in a day. Of course, I was very nervous what she would think but, as a lifelong hedonist and submissive, hoped there maybe some aspects she may eventually try.
I was very wrong! She wanted to try all of it! It explained certain needs and fantasies she had held inside her ever since she was a child. She is of course a sexual sadist, and the speed and enthusiastic way she learnt to control and punish me was incredible. We are still quite early on, not at your stage yet, but on our honeymoon I was dressed up as the bridesmaid, tied to the bed and fucked with the largest strap-on we owned that I was capable of taking. It was the single most erotic experience of my life.
Now I have my cock and nipples pierced, and have a tattoo above my genitals which we designed together with a stylised ‘S’ (her initial, but also standing for Sissy Sex Slave too) surrounded by Japanese maple (her favourite tree). I also have two silver jewelled ‘S’ pendants that attached to my nipple rings that are the same design as my Tattoo.
She absolutely loves sissifying me (and fucking me and stretching my arsehole with a conical stretching dildo), and completely gets the whole femdom/FLR dynamic. We are both incredibly happy and fulfilled and look forward to many years growing, discovering new joys and developing this incredible relationship.
I love your pink outfit, especially the gloves and stockings; now I want some too!
Sissy Nancy