Due to issues with the postal system in the UK, strikes and such like, some of our Christmas Presents were delayed in arriving.
Madam informed me on Christmas day that a couple of my presents hadn’t arrived and hopefully they would arrive by the new year. The first one that arrived just after the new year was my new cage – the Nano, and once it arrived it was duly fitted. pushing me down from the previous Small Cage to the Nano, its a lot shorter but still very comfortable for everyday wear.
The other present only arrived on Saturday and when it arrived Madam immediately took it to her study and I was given orders to go be busy else where! The weather was somewhat crap so I decided to go and be busy in the kitchen.
After lunch I was told to follow Madam and Sir to her study. Slightly nervous I entered and curtsied and was presented with a Christmas paper wrapped box and told that this was my missing present from Madam. I was told that I could open it now.
With a bit of trepidation I unpeeled the wrapping and wow! Madam had got me a pair of 4″ stiletto heeled ankle boots. Madam told me to try them on to make sure that they actually fitted, which thankfully they did. With a small bit of adjusting of the laces they were perfect.
Madam had gone up a size from my normal shoe size, as that was the recommendation for male wearers and also if they were to be worn for long periods.
So what do you think?
They fit a treat and are very comfortable, they aren’t too big. They fit really well at the top above my ankle. The buckles and straps are for show (Madam had hopped that they would have gone round the side Zips so that she could add padlocks at the buckles to lock them on my feet).
Dear billie – congratulations on the smaller cage, i have a feeling it may get smaller still over time. Lovely colour as well.
i can see why Madam ordered you those boots, they are lovely and you look good in them. They would look great worn with your short cuckold maid outfit (hint, hint).
I definitely think they should have padlocks! ;). SaraE
billie- thanks for sharing your latest presents. That Nano is cute, and agree the pink looks cute on you. Oh my, so short! I’m glad you’re of a size and state it still feels comfortable! Did Madam or Sir have any comments about it?
The boots are so nice! I’m sure they will improve your ankle strength and walking too.. good luck! Trying to imagine your apprehension as you were instructed to come in and open your box!
Hug, SaraE
Ps- nice calves! 😉
Why thank you, compliments always kindly accepted!
I think that both Sir and Madam are happy with the Nano, it is comfortable, but getting my foreskin in the right position is important, otherwise it can be russian roulette going got a wee.
The boots are great, but I had no idea that was what Madam had ordered for me. I get the feeling they will become a firm favourite of all of us.
billie xxx
I'm definitely getting the hang of the cage, the waist strap helps. I'd say that the nano is the right size and we should have gone to that size in the first place rather than the Small, but the Small confirmed that I could wear this type of cage long term.
Yes the boots are now part of the cuckold uniform, they just really fit with what that uniform is meant to do – humiliate and emasculate me. what type of husband would wear this type of footwear apart from You, Me and Sara? Ok probably a few of the other readers of the blog as well…..
billie xxx
billie- I’m glad They are both pleased with Their purchase. Lol on the Russian roulette, but I was hoping that with sitting you’d be fine… not the case? A maid certainly doesn’t need extra work on her hands and knees! sara
I always sit to wee but the way the cage is set up can make it a little difficult particularly if part of the foreskin is compressed or caught behind one of the bars. but we are working on it.
I *can* imagine! Sara