Last weekend Madam and I were invited to a christening of a Grand Child of a long term friend, Madam knew her when she was growing up and I got to know her and her husband when I started courting Madam. The invite arrived a about 6 weeks ago and originally we only planned to go up on the day, stay overnight in Leicester and then back the following day.
However the offer of the use of a Chalet/log cabin near to the friends place and an invitation to go for dinner on the evening prior to the event made Madam re-think the plan. So with Madam having a few days of holidays to take from work it was decided that we would go up on the Thursday night, spend Friday catching up with old friends, the event on the Saturday and then use Sunday catching up with Madam’s family and have the Monday with Madam’s mother. So basically we go up, see everyone, get it all done and dusted and we are all good for the next 6 months……It didn’t quite go that way…..
We travelled up Thursday evening and got to the Chalet, very nice, not far from our friends at Ashby De La Zouch (Yes it is in Leicestershire, not in France) got settled in. As I was on punishment I had brought the camping mattress and laid it out in the living room area, while Madam would have the bedroom to herself. There was a pub near by, so we went down there to have a drink, well Madam had a drink, I had soda water as Madam had banned me from any alcohol, so I would be the designated driver for the weekend. The pub was reasonably busy and it was quite nice to hear local voices again. Madam had a couple of Gins and then we headed back for the night.
I thought that I may have been required to help Madam to get off to sleep with some gentle oral on her, but once she was ready for bed I was banished to the living room with instructions for Coffee at 7.30am. Madam reminded me that I was on punishment and as such I would not be needed until the morning. As I bedded down on my mattress I could hear Madam pleasing herself with one of her toys, so it was a slightly frustrating start to my nights sleep.
Friday was not a bad day, cool and overcast but dry so we took the opportunity to go for a walk in the morning before the potential showers arrived. While we were out Madam received a call from our eldest niece, Ellie, she wanted to know when we were coming up. So Madam told her that we were already up and staying near Ashby and that we were going out tonight with our friends. Our Niece asked if we would like to meet up for lunch with her and her Boyfriend, her treat.
Now, alarm bells should have gone off at this point. We are very fond of our two nieces, we brought them up for about 4-5 years when they were youngsters, so we do look at them as our kids (sort off) and when they were teenagers and at college/ uni they will occasionally come to us when their Mum and Dad have said no to them and play us off against each other. We’ve not had this for a number of years and my 6th sense felt that there was something afoot here. I wasn’t far off the mark….
Eldest niece is a lovely young woman, good looking and with an attitude and temperament that definitely reminds me of my Madam. She dresses in a way that just says Confidence and Femininity but with subtle authority . I would say that her early Goth phase at Uni has developed and matured with her clothing style. I’ve seen the way she has developed over the years and I’d say that she is definitely a dominant personality. The question that I occasionally ask myself is has this happened due to Nature or Nurture? Did spending time being brought up by Alice rub off on her? Don’t know, but there is a lot of similarities.
As I couldn’t drink we suggested to meet at a pub for lunch near to where they lived. Now I was curious that both of them had a working day off, something was definitely going on.
The boyfriend, David, is a nice lad, they have been together for quite a few years, having met at University. he must have been keen on our niece having been with her for a few years when she was down south and he move up to Leicester not long after she moved into her house. He’s about the same height as her and a bit on the lean side (says the short stocky submissive!) and a bit quiet but the one thing that is with him is he is definitely the subordinate in the relationship with our niece!
We arrived at the Pub, part of a national chain, so you know what you are getting and the pair were there already, we went across to say hello and both got a fairly warm and tight hug from Eldest Niece. My suspicious mind always thinks that she gives a tight hug just to check to feel what I might be wearing, We have mentioned before that both myself and Alice believe that she either knows or suspects that there is something “different” with our marriage and the way we live. She is a smart lass and spots things that others would miss. David ordered drinks for us (a white wine for Alice and a soda water for me) and we chatted while we looked over the menus.
The conversation was all very light and very much to catch up. Ellie was doing well at her work and David had just moved jobs, same company but a change of location and a promotion. Overall this couple were doing OK in the grand scheme of things. The food arrived and we continued to chat.
When we finished the food Alice suggested that we move to some of the more comfortable chairs and get another round of drinks, to which I said I would get. As I stood at the bar, the boyfriend appeared next to me, looking a bit sheepish, I assumed that he was going to help carry the drinks, well I assumed wrong….
“Mr Luff, would you mind if we had a chat? I could do with some advice?” Oh fuck here it comes….
“Whats up lad? and it’s Mick, Mr Luff is a bit too formal or work related for me”. Spending most of my time as billie or Ms Watson tends to make me a little bit uncomfortable being called Mr Luff. I dispatched him off with the drinks for the girls and he came back and we stood off from the bar.
He started to faff about and clearly nerves were getting the better of the poor sod. I wondered what was the problem? I told him to just settle down and get to the point.
“Alright,”a bit of a pause as he seemed to build some courage,” Ellie says you buy most of Auntie Alice’s underwear…her lingerie.” I almost choked on the swig of water I had just taken!
Where the f**k had that come from? “She does does she?and what has this to do with you?”
“Sorry, sorry….I need some advice, please….Ellie wants some lingerie for Christmas….not the type that you get from M&S, She wants some items like what you get for Aunt Alice..” and then he blurted out “and I have to go and buy them in person, not ordered over the internet!”
“Mick, where do I go to get what she wants…?”
I’d gathered my composure and had stopped coughing. The first thing was to just settle him down before that he blurts out something that he shouldn’t.
“Ok Sunshine, what is Ellie after?”
Now I’m assuming that during the summer of 2020 when Ellie stayed with us while waiting for her house purchase to be completed that she had spotted the quantity of stockings and retro underwear that was being washed and dried. As for why she thought I purchased them wasn’t clear until I spoke with Alice on the trip back – Ellie had asked Alice where she shopped for her Lingerie and stockings and Alice told her what she knew but to ask me as I generally purchased most of her Lingerie.
So we had a bit of a chat and it was clear that she was after some of the retro lingerie and some Fully fashioned or reinforced heel and toe stockings. I also got the impression she was looking for either a basque or corselette, his descriptions were a bit of a mixed bag. He obviously knew about companies such as “What Katie Did” (link) but they were down in London and he wanted something nearer. At that point I thought he was going to ask me to get them for him, however he seemed quite determined to do this himself.
“Ellie, has given me this as a task, and I’m going to do it, I’ve just never bought underwear for her or anyone before…” when I heard him say that, the billie part of my brain almost removed the name “Ellie” with the word “Mistress”, it was said in that type of way.
So I passed on some Uncle advice. Don’t worry and to calm down. he would need to take a trip to Nottingham and Derby as there were two companies up there that would help him, he would need to do a bit of work and ordering via the internet but certainly one of them would allow him to go and pick the items up, possibly both would. It is just the nature of the companies, they manufacture on site and sell via the web. (The women at Revival are brilliant and very good to deal with – David would be in good hands with them!)
But I warned him to do his homework first –
- stick to basic colours- whites and blacks, don’t get distracted by reds unless Ellie tells him directly that she wants red underwear.
- check her knicker drawer for the right sizes and check a few of them just to confirm the sizes.
- check her bra sizes
- Understand what size she is in stockings, and does she already wear stockings? and if so how high up her thigh does she like the top of her stockings. (as it transpires she wears stockings the whole time, definitely takes after her Aunt (and uncle!).
- once armed with the information then email the companies and talk through what you are after – if you are after girdles or the corselette they may suggest a size larger/ longer in the stockings as the garter straps are shorter.
He soaked in the information and if he had had a note book he would have been scribbling the info down like a man possessed. I got out my phone and pinged up the websites for Revival lingerie (Link) in Nottingham and Cosmic Girl (Link) in Derby and emailed them to him. I advised him to get the stockings from Cosmic Girl and the Lingerie from Revival. (unless Ellie wanted a Teddie, in which case Cosmic Girl should be the first shout – Madam has one of theirs and loves it!).
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Tiffany Teddy Playsuit from Cosmic Girl – highly recommended by Madam! |
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Corselette from Revival Lingerie – highly recommended by billie |
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Revival Lingerie Bosselli Stretch satin full brief – recommended by both of us! |
So having armed him with 2 good suppliers of suitable undergarments in a reasonably local (ish) distance and a guide to keep him out of the poo in terms of ordering the wrong sizes I thought that was us all sorted.
“There is another thing I’d like to ask….”
Oh God where is this going now?
“what is it?” I asked guardedly.
“Could you ask Alice to come over here as the question is really for both of you, without Ellie if possible?”
I gave the lad a bit of a look, perhaps a paddington bear type of look of “what are you upto?”
I nipped over to the table and asked Alice to join us, while reassuring Ellie that we would be back in a minute. We both wandered over and when we got back to the Lad, he looked a little sheepish, but what he said next had us rocking on our heels.
“Aunt Alice, Unc…Mick, Can I have your permission to marry Ellie? She’s my world and I love her so very much!”
a few minutes ago this was a lad that was almost crapping himself to go an purchase some fancy underwear for his Girlfriend and then bold as brass comes out with that!
Alice was quicker off the mark than I was, “David, that’s more of the questions that you should be asking my Sister and her Husband, not us, it’s normally the parents or the father, to be more precise, that you ask.”
“I know Aunt Alice but Ellie actually views you two as her parents. You are the ones that she goes to for advice and she knows that you have always looked after her, so I felt it would be wrong not to ask your permission”
Ladies and Gentlemen, I had just watched and listened to a young man melt my wife’s heart and she started to cry. We both said “yes”, Alice gave him a bloody big hug and I shook his hand.
we were not expecting what happened next. David left us, walked over to Ellie and went on his knees and proposed to her, there and then. (Please note he didn’t get down on one knee, he went down on both…just saying). He had the engagement ring in his pocket.
To the few folk in the pub that noticed it looked like a man getting on his knee to propose, perhaps I was looking too deep, I saw a young man willingly submitting to a Young Woman that has the air of a Dominant and asking to commit himself to her. If they are not already a FLR, I am very sure that it will develop into one.
David offered the ring and she accepted it and leaned forward and kissed him. It looks like we came up for a Christening and we now had a wedding!
We both joined Ellie and David at the table and Alice was drying her eyes and then went into tears again when she hugged Ellie. We chatted and offered our very best to the engaged couple, we had another drink and then went our separate ways, us back to Ashby to get ready for the evening and them back to their house.
Well as an afternoon, neither of us was expecting any of that. As we drove back I joked to Alice that she would need a suitable hat for the wedding as it appears that she would be the viewed by the Couple as the “Alternative Mother of the Bride”, to which she gave a laugh but countered with that it won’t be pinks and “bloody peach”, something Dark and Vampy! Ellie would probably approve!
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I suspect this style of outfit would be to Madam’s liking for the day |
“And you billie, will probably get the task of purchasing some suitable wedding Lingerie for your niece!”
Overall this made our weekend, meeting friends and the family was very nice, but that afternoon’s event with Ellie and David just topped it, particularly seeing how Alice reacted, she could not have been more pleased (or emotional).
Afternote – On the way back home on Monday evening Alice told me about what she had been chatting about with Ellie while I was at the bar with David. It would seem that Ellie has been regularly giving young david “tasks” of a specific or intimate nature, to see how he reacts or to push his “boundaries”. Alice hinted that they talked about this in a bit more detail over the weekend, but she wasn’t going to go into details with me – I didn’t need to know, but I get the impressions that my Mistress may becoming a very subtle mentor to our young Ellie.
I wonder if david knows what potentially is in store for him? If I’m right he is going to love it!
How wonderful and what a lucky lad he sounds. Having the two of you as mentors would be amazing for any couple. What a lovely compliment to you both.
P, Alice very chuffed and it is good to see her so very happy. we've spoken to the two of them since that weekend. There has also been a few calls to Alice from Ellie and I've spoken to David on Sunday who has been busy with his "task" and I think he will be going to collect the items probably next week.
so it is going to be interesting times for them, I'd say.
billie xxx
billie- Mot sure you’ll see this comment, but what a great post!! Soo much here!
You always get me with the little things.
Ellie giving you a tight hug, check to see if you were wearing a bra.
Some lovely family background, and surprises!
You clearly gave the young lad the best advice anyone could!! He was sent to the right source, lol! 😉
Love how the Women talked and Alice has played a subtle (or larger) role in guiding Ellie.
Your advice to know sizes reminded me of a funny thing, when I was first getting further into dressing. I realized my Wife’s 34B bra was a little tight on me, so on one of my first buying trips, I said I was looking for a 35B bra. The befuddled look on the salesgirl’s face was striking, as she considered several possibilities: did I just make an innocent mistake.. or was I bough for myself?? You and I both know the answer. She gave me a tutorial, after a short laugh and smile, followers by some quizzical looks.
I almost always shop for myself, vice internet. Though internet is good for some things, and browsing is always fun, even if it gets me in trouble sometimes!
Oh- I do love the punishment mattress you had to bring.. brilliant! Oh my.
Hopefully your earlier post will say why this happened to you 😉
both Alice and myself are sure that Ellie is aware that things are "different" in our marriage. There has been a lot of chatting between Alice and Ellie over the last few weeks.
As blokes we have all made lingerie mistakes so having that rummage about the knicker drawer is so important, and I've always found that the shop staff are always happy to help. David has now succeeded in his task of purchasing lingerie for the first time, I have a suspicion it won't be his last.
Ellie was right as I do most of the lingerie and hosiery so for her to point David in my direction.
On the details on the mattress, hopefully you have seen the info in the previous post.
billie xxx
Thank you billie!
Yes, I’ve come (cum) a long way from early days, with three drawers on lingerie now!
I’m sure David hasn’t bought his last lingerie, too! ;). SaraE