With Valentines day tomorrow, there have been plans made, bookings arranged and currently I’ve been Ironing Madam’s cloths and getting her bag ready.
One of Sir’s rules is that valentines day is a day for him and Madam, not me and my wife. I am required to get Madam a card and a gift from cuckolded husband to his Mistress Wife (you don’t see many of that specific card in the card shops – “Excuse me could you point me towards the cuckold husband card section?”) and the gift is normally something for Madam to enjoy with her boyfriend.
In the past this has been Lingerie, or a voucher for a spa treatment prior to going out with Sir. this year will be no different.
Sir will be taking Madam to see a show in London on Friday night and staying over in a hotel, they are then going to another hotel on Saturday night and then back here on Sunday. I made the initial bookings before Christmas and had a few things to check/ change this week – hence my earlier post this week. The final confirmation came back this morning so all things are done:
train tickets booked and collected.
both hotel reservations booked and paid.
special arrangements confirmed for the hotels and the room.
theatre tickets booked and printed out
evening meals/ restaurants booked
all the details and information are printed out and I’ve put them together into a folder for Sir to take with him. I’ve also sent the details electronically to him so he has them on his phone – all a bit “belt and braces” but that’s what a good secretary should do – isn’t it?
Madam has told me what clothes and lingerie she wants packed in her bag and at the moment I’ve finished the Ironing and I’ll have everything packed ready to go shortly.
Sir will be coming over this evening as he wants to be with Madam from the very start of valentines day. Madam informed me that Sir will be arriving at 6pm and that I should have dinner ready for 7pm.
Madam has also messaged to remind me that with my weekly review this evening, I should make sure that her study must be spick and span as Sir will also be in attendance. my suspicion is that I may end up with a sore bum this evening!
With Madam and Sir going away for the weekend what are the plans for me? The tasks that I know of is that I will be taking Madam and Sir to the train station on Friday afternoon, collecting them on Sunday afternoon (late) and that I am to have a full roast dinner served at 7pm on Sunday night.
so the rest of the weekend will be just spare free time? Err, No, I’ve already been warned that Madam will leave me some tasked to do in her absence and that I probably will have a full and occupied time, so we will have to see what the plan is for that, Madam does like to keep me busy and often with surprises!
Your weather sounds atrocious! Don't you just hate getting all blown about 😉
And I know what you mean about Yorkshire puddings, a very treacherous thing to cook. Flat Yorkshires got this gurl a hard caning once…
Hi billie – it must have been wonderful having Kerri arrive unexpectedly like that, i hope you didn't get too distracted!
I'm not bad at my cooking but my Yorkshires puddings can be a bit hit or miss.
we've had a lot of wind but the rain has been the main thing. The trees were doing a lot of thrashing about.
Mind you I've been occupied for the weekend as I've had a surprise guest visiting, Kerri arrived Friday afternoon which has been a brilliant surprise.
billie xxx
You cannot beat a full roast dinner on a Sunday, which reminds me, i haven't done one for a while now….
i hope Madam and Sir had a lovely time in London – it was super windy. Owner and i nearly got blown over!