From Madam Alice:
One of the questions that we received from Billie’s last blog post was the question from Alan L “If billie is a sissy why isn’t he/she fully shaved?”
The answer is that we are a Female Led Relationship which has cuckolding and humiliation as a main part of the relationship. With me as the Alpha in the relationship with Mick/billie as the beta male.
Now I’m not working on having a fully feminised husband but it is something that has developed over the years of our relationship but it is a progressive part that will become more part of our marriage as we get towards Mick’s retirement.
By keeping some of Billie’s body hair he remains a male that is made to wear clothing that a Alpha male wouldn’t, it reminds him of his place in the relationship.
He does shave some parts – armpits and his sissy bits every 2 weeks, also with his legs he does use his clippers to thin out his leg hair but I want him to keep that as his normal state.
John and I regularly use humiliation to re-assure billie that he is the beta, a stocking clad sissy beta, but still a beta male rather than a sissy gurl. that will change over the coming years but not while she is still working.
I’m sure that there will be some that disagree with this process but in our FLR it works and it ensures that the right mindset for Mick/billie is maintained. We’ve been developing this FLR over 18 years and it still has plenty of things to do and to develop in the years to come.
I can smell the bacon from the kitchen so it’s time for breakfast, my submissive husband should be coming to curtsey at the bedroom door to inform me and John that breakfast is ready. I love my FLR and my beta husband.
Best Wishes