Thursday Evening saw me packing Madam’s bag for her weekend away with her Mum, sister and 2 nieces. She gave me direction what she would need and I ensured that it all went into the bag and then loaded it into the car for her.
Friday morning saw Madam leave for work at her normal time and as I kissed her good bye and hoped that she had a good weekend, she reminded me that I had to go and see Master at his office at 9am – “Don’t be late!”.
I finished tidying up after Madam’s breakfast, checked my watcha and then went and got changed for my visit to Master’s work place. my underwear was a white bra, white suspender with matching panties and some barely black stockings, nothing fancy or elaborate. over the top went one of my blue work shirts, a pair of dress jeans and a tweed jacket. I also threw in a light weight jacket so that I could go shopping for the weekend groceries after my visit to Master had been finished.
Master’s office is on the northern side of Milton Keynes, on a mixed industrial estate with a mix of office buildings and small industrial units. I managed to get their in good time and managed to park fairly close to his offices, which can be difficult at this time of the morning. I walked into the main office at 8.55 and was met by the woman that acts as his PA/ admin clerk.
“Morning Mick, John should be free shortly he his just reviewing a software package with one of the teams.”. Joanne, the PA, has met me a good few times from visiting Master’s work place and also from the fact that I’ve done a few bits of real work for his company – mainly audits and account reviews. The fact that Master was doing a review could mean that I may have a bit of time to wait, but thankfully by 9.10 things had finished and Master was now free.
“Morning Mick, glad you could make it, I’ve got a few things I need you to help with and to get your opinion on, we’ll just grab a coffee each and we can crack on. Joanne, this should take about half an hour – no disturbances while I go through a few ideas with Mick. If anything comes in that can’t wait buzz it through on the phone, Thanks.” and with that I was ushered into the office, with the door shutting behind me and a well oiled bolt locking the door.
“How are you billie? is Alice all set for her weekend? ” The change in tone was immediate, not nasty but more firm. he had now sat down at his desk but motioned that I should stand to the side of the desk.
“I’m fine thank you Sir, yes her bag was packed and I think that she is looking forward to seeing the girls” (our nieces).
“Good, now first things first, you are still caged – Yes?”
“Yes Sir”
“Good show me!”
I removed my jacket and opened my shirt and dropped my trousers, I was now red faced as I lowered my panties to show my wife’s lover that I was still caged in the chastity device.
“Disappointing billie, why are you wearing white underwear?”
“I thought that it would be alright to wear while I went shopping….”
“Black! you should wear black lingerie, shouldn’t you?”
“Yes Sir, sorry sir..”
“Its alright, I’ll deal with that this evening. Now this weekend Alice has kindly offered me to use her house and her submissive, Yes?” I nodded “so put your clothes back on and sit down and we will discuss what the plan for the weekend will be.”
Having sat down I opened my note book and started to write Master’s instructions.
Master would arrive at “His” weekend residence at 6 pm, the maid would be expected to meet him at the door and collect his bag. The maid should be in her short French Maid uniform with appropriate underwear (I made sure that it was all black!) and that I should also be plugged with one of my metal jewelled plugs.
Master made it clear that I was to make sure that I wore a wig and make up for the whole weekend. he would tell me when I could go without the wig.
He would like a Steak for dinner that night with a bottle of red wine and would like to eat at 8pm. I was free to choice what type of steak when I went shopping. Master made it clear that he would be dining alone but he would require the maid to be on hand to top up the wine etc.
He “suggested” that I should consider either a soup or a salad for my evening meal.
I noted it all into my book.
I was told not to bother with anything for Saturday night as he would order a take-away for us both. but I was to collect an upto date menu from the Chinese that delivers in our area today. I nodded and waited for the next instruction. Sunday dinner would be on Sunday evening once Alice got back and Master would be staying Sunday night, so I should do a traditional roast for her and Master.
“Now billie while you are out shopping, today I want you to treat yourself. I want you to go and purchase the following:”
2 x lipsticks, of different shades of red.
lip liner
lip gloss
eye liner
2 x eye shadow, of different colours
3 x colours of nail varnish – a black/ blue and 2 types of red.
any other cosmetics you might want such as foundation and also the means to remove the make up and nail polish.
A small bottle of cheap perfume
some costume jewellery – one being a choker and some rings
a silver ankle chain
2 x light white blouses
A short skirt – ideally leather or vinyl PVC and it should be above the knee
a small black clutch purse.
a new pair of 60 denier black Opaque stockings
“So billie, a bit of retail therapy for you, I don’t care if you go high end or charity shop for these item, but I want you to purchase all of the items and have receipts for them. you may already have some of the make up but purchase new and again have the receipts for them. You can put all of your purchases in the guest bedroom for the weekend as that is where you will be sleeping.”
“I want you fully made up when I arrive and that means fingers and toe nails painted matching colours. you can wear your anklet and some of the perfume. you can also wear the “sissy” choker that I got you for Christmas, that should be quite appropriate for you, don’t you think?”
“Yes Sir, thank you Sir.”
“I think that’s enough, you have shopping and groceries to get, a busy morning I think. Oh one last thing, take your socks off and give them to me.”
Master knew that I would now have to do all my shopping with no cover to my socking clad ankles. I passed the socks over and replaced my shoes. and with that I was show to the door and as it opened we were back to being John and Mick. I was waved on my way and I headed to the car mentally working out where to go to start the shopping.
Part of me thought that I should go over to Bedford to do the shopping as it is a bit further from home and that there would be less potential embarrassment and also the potential of being recognised. I stopped for a moment and then thought about it. I don’t do a lot of shopping in Milton Keynes and also I don’t have a big social circle locally to accidently encounter in Milton Keynes. most of my social group are people that I know via work and the rest are in my home areas of Leicester and down in Kent. so it was a case of sod it lets go sissy shopping in Milton Keynes.
My first choice was to head to the centre of town and get the make up, where does Madam go for make up, well it would be Boots and Debenhams. but as I parked up and headed to the shops I noticed Superdrug and had a quick look inside and found that it had everything that I would need.
While I noticed that I was get a few strange looks from staff and customers as this “man” was picking out make up, they looked less worded as I consulted my list – clearly I was a henpecked husband doing my wife’s shopping or so it may appeared. one of the girls came over just as I was finishing “can I help?”
“Eh, Oh yes please, I need to find some foundation.”
“Ok they are just here, what skin type is she?”
“I say very similar to mine” probably the one statement that may give me away.
The young lady didn’t flinch and simply and professionally continued and pointed out what they had and explained the pros and cons of each type. once I had the information I made a selection and picked up some nail polish remover and some sponges and cotton pads and followed her to pay for my items, making sure that I had a fully itemised receipt.
I decided to head to one of the several charity shops to try and find my clothing items. my first 2 shops didn’t have suitable things in my size but did have a good selection of cheap costume jewellery and allowed me to pick up a couple of rings with sparking cut glass while not being too much of a “Liberace” moment. I then headed to Debenhams to pick up the stockings.
Leaving there I came out and found the Age UK chartity shop and that was a real gold mine. I managed to find light white blouse, which was quite thin and also a white satin blouse, both in my size of 18.
a casting eye also spotted a section of pvc/ faux leater. a quick rummage and bingo! a size 16 faux leather skirt, it looked about the right length and at £8 I wasn’t going to argue. on the way to the till I saw a batch of handbags and clutches, one was a black suede clutch bag, a little bigger than Madam would have chosen but I wasn’t going to miss it to go looking else where. so my purchases along with a couple more items of cheap jewellery I was £40 lighter but I had everything apart from the ankle chain.
a high street jewellers provided a plain thin silver chain that would be just the trick. with the purchases complete it was of to do the food shopping and I was back home for 1pm.
I now had to put my purchase away in the guest room across the landing from Mistress’s Bedroom. The clothes were hung up in the wardrobe and the make up was laid out on the dresser infront of the window. I returned to the kitchen and put the groceries away and did some food prep ready for the evening, preparing Master’s meal and also to prepare something for me.
With things all complete I now turned to get myself ready as I felt that there would be a lot more things to get ready with.
I’ve have to be really honest, I do wear some make up regularly at Madam’s instruction I will wear some light make up, it was clear that I would be required to wear a lot more than normal, so it would take a lot more time and a lot more effort to get ready.
An enema followed by a shower and very close face shave were the first orders of the preparation.
wrapped in a towel I then sat down to prepare, a wig stocking covered my hair. Apply the foundation and paint toes and finger nails a rather bright red polish.
then the biggest issue for me would be getting the eye liner on without poking my eye out! it took me a few goes and then the Mascara followed by the eye shadow which was a real disaster on the first attempt so off it came and reapplied.
The lips were a major problem so I took time to use the lip liner to create the edge to my lip out line. lipstick was added, removed, reapplied, removed and finally reapplied! and then the lip gloss to help seal it on.
Lastly was one of my wigs, these are not the best quality and Madam has said that in the future we will get more serious about getting better quality or professional wigs for me to wear on a more long term basis. but for this occasion I went for a short black bob wig.
all of this took me to about 4.30 pm so I went to get dressed for the evening with basque, stockings panties, the velvet choker. I added the ankle chain and inserted my butt plug and then put on my maids uniform with its underskirts that pushed out the skirt, exposing my stocking tops.
A quick check in the mirror, I was still a beta sissy in a French maids dress but I was clearly not a male. the make up and wig had changed my appearance and while I would not be female or even a drag act, I was clearly a feminised beta male. Master had clearly made me achieve his aim of continuing my emasculation.
It would now be a case of waiting to find out what the rest of the weekend would hold for me.
We are very fortunate that John entered into the relationship with Alice with an open mind. he wasn't intimidated by the FLR aspect of the marriage and spent time getting to understand the whole dynamic of it.
I'd say he enjoys it as much as Madam and I and he plays his role really well as the relationship suits him and his lifestyle – we're lucky it's a win win.
kind regards
sissy billie
It's nice how much attention and consideration your Master gives you. He seems to be focused on you as well as your Mistress. It seems like a very nice dynamic between the three of you. Looking forward to reading more on what happened.