From Madam Alice
So last Thursday billie went over to Johns to do all of the bookings for the next few months, be those our nights out and the trip away that John has planned for Valentines day/ weekend. Always booked and billie was back with me just before 9pm.
I think he enjoyed himself, I know that John certainly did.
Saturday was a lovely day with us making the most of the weather, billie busied himself and was doing some preparation work as he was having Sunday off.
Now Sunday was Remembrance Day and it is an important day for Mick (billie). every year he goes to a Remembrance Parade and then onto a Church Service. it’s an important thing for him as his Grand Father served in the Second World War and Korea and his Great Grand Father fought in the Great War.
So on Sunday Morning, dressed in his dark suit I kissed him good bye and off he went to town for the Parade. Now he isn’t a Military person, but he does feel strongly about Remembering the Sacrifice of those who have fought and served the country in the Armed Forces. and so it is his day to go and do what he wishes.
Now we are in a FLR marriage, but as part of that it is important to regonise what is important to my partner, and this is important to him. so I kissed him farewell and I spent the day being the housewife to by 2 boys, preparing and cooking Sunday Dinner, ready for when Mick came home.
Hey I can still be the Domestic Goddess when I want to be!
Mick came back about 2pm, we had lunch and an afternoon relaxing as Alice Mick and John.
John headed home at about 8pm and by 9pm my husband was back in panties and stockings – and so normal service was resumed! It doesn’t have to be full on FLR all of the time.
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