The original of this was was posted in August 2017 on the old blog but it is worth posting again. I’ve removed the general blog chat that set up the original blog entry but the main part is below:
Early in our FLR, Madam and I discussed the prospect of Madam having an affair. It was genuinely a 2 way conversation. with my health condition at the time, I physically struggled to perform for madam and for myself. Also with Madam’s conversations with Mistress Carol she was interested in Cuckolding me. but all within controlled boundaries and rules.
Madam is 5 years younger than me and I knew that she was missing a sex life, just as I was but we needed to refocus and to get ourselves sorted. When we moved down from Leicestershire to here, south of Milton Keynes, it was a new start for us, Madam started to use her maiden name and used the title of Ms. when she started working at her new job, she made no indication that she was married.
She went on a couple of girls nights out and had a some success in on having the occasional one night stand. However Madam wanted something a bit more stable. she met “George” through a singles group and that started a 6 year relationship. George was aware that she was married and once she was comfortable with the way their relationship was running she invited him and I to meet. He was a nice guy, very good for Madam. but he made it clear that he wasn’t comfortable with some of the aspects of the FLR. Not that he wanted to change parts of it, just that he felt that was a thing between Madam and me and not him. He certainly was not interested in any participation on my part in their relationship, but he did understand what we did and he really got the reasons behind it
Madam and George had a very good relationship and it only came to an end when he had to move due to work. He was heading out to the States and it looked like it was a big step up for him and it would have been stupid for him not to have taken the promotion and job. So Madam was free and “single” again.
by this point in time there were several internet sites and groups for dating. After a few false starts and one disaster she meet John, who would become Master.
John had married early and had 2 daughters but the marriage broke down, quite badly and John spent quite a few years battling with his ex wife. John’s view was that he wanted a physical relationship but without the marriage aspect. He had found it with the swingers sites (but that can be limited apparently when you are a single male) and also with a few websites that dealt with Married women wanting affairs.
John had been involved with a couple that were into the cuckolding scene, but the husband in that relationship was what gets termed a “Stag” – he encourages his wife to have the affair and either gets off on her telling him about it or in watching it. From what John has told us there was no D/s element to it at all.
Madam was upfront with John about our FLR and that she was my Dominant and that I was her submissive. She also explained that I was in chastity most of the time and that I had some elements of feminisation applied. she also explained the humiliation side of things to him.
Apparently this sparked some interest with John as it was significantly different from his previous cuckolding experience. John did a bit of research, the internet can be a gold mine and cess pit of information, and he asked to meet me.
We all meet for dinner and had a chat over things as Alice, Mick and John. John started to understand the difference between Mick and billie and also the dynamic between Alice and Mick and between Madam and billie. After that meeting John asked for a face to face meeting with Mick, no Alice involvement. We had a good chat, quite open and it was clear that John had done quite a bit of homework. I was asked to be honest about my relationship with Alice and how I felt with Alice going out with John. He wanted to know about my sexuality, he wanted to know about my relationship with Mistress Carol and kerri.
John was also very open with his view on life and was very comfortable with answering my questions – I liked the guy and I still do (we play the occasional game of squash and we are both incredibly rubbish at golf but do enjoy a short 9 hole game every now and again). we left that meeting with John saying that he had quite a lot to think about and he now had a better understanding on the relationships and the strength on Alice and Micks marriage.
About a week later I had a call from John, could I meeting him at his Office, just after work, as he wanted to discuss how he wanted to proceed with the relationship with Alice, but also with Mick/billie. Looking back now I can see why it was done this way, I was in his office, on his “turf” and he was about to issue the terms of his “contract” to enter into our relationship.
John would become Alice’s boyfriend, John had no problem with Alice and Mick’s relationship (he had one stipulation and I’ll cover that shortly) but billie would have several conditions applied to him and they would require to be implemented prior to John coming to our house.
John asked Mick to purchase a small jewellery box to be given to Alice as a gift and in it he would like me to place my wedding ring and to give it to Alice, Alice could then place her engagement and wedding rings in the box together. John’s thinking was that Alice and he would be boyfriend/ girlfriend but Alice and Mick would still be very much married and having the rings all together would be a symbol of that union. A nice touch and I did get it, even though it would appear she was single by not wearing rings I got the symbolism of the rings being together.
For billie things would be some what different.
As far as John was concerned he would only accept one male in the house when he came over to be with Alice, and as the Alpha male that would be him, he wanted billie to be firmly in place as the beta. John would be referred to as Master or Sir at all times, just as I use Madam or Mistress when engaging with Alice.
billie must be subservient and submissive to Master at all times, unless directed by Mistress.
billie will always be in chastity when Master in in attendance. billie will always meet master at the door of the house and invite him in.
Master may require billie to demonstrate his subservience. There will be no direct eye contact with Master, unless ordered to.
Billie would be required to be in female clothing at all times when Master is around, if out in public I must have female underwear on.
Master fully intends to emasculate billie infront of Mistress and should be prepared to provide oral and be taken anally. this can be at any time and as such billie must ensure that he is clean and available to be used.
If billie is to be in attendance during Master and Madam’s love making and sex and required to do clean up then Master must have his cock cleaned first. Billie must be prepared to carry out fluffing duties and/or to assist in putting Master into Mistress.
Master can punish billie, but only at the request of Madam. This helped me to understand that John knew the D/s relationship was based on Madam and me and that he was being invited into the relationship, but when it came to details John understood the FLR had primacy.
Master would help and assist Madam in my humiliation, but would not compromise our situation with Family, friends and work.
billie must be prepared to be regularly humiliated and emasculated by Master, so that Master is sure that billie understands his position in the relationship.
Master would now be Madam’s Boyfriend and as such he would be socialising with her in the local area. billie was to stop socialising with Madam in any local restaurants and bars. Master wanted the ability to take his girlfriend for meals and nights out without any embarrassment to him or to Madam. If billie wished to take Madam out for an evening then it would have to be done further a field (London).
billie will be required to drive Madam and Master out on their local dates and collect them at the end of the evening.
billie does not have the right to be present when Master and Madam make love and have sex, he will be informed if his presence will be required and also he will be directed on what he is to do – sit and watch, face the wall or actively participate.
There were other requirements but these were the main ones, these were all accepted and became the foundation of having Master in the relationship and it does work. these have evolved and increased but it meant that Alice had a boyfriend and I now had a Mistress and Master.
The final aspect was that all 3 of us would have a health check and confirm that we were STD free as Master and Mistress had decided that the relationship would progress on to being without condoms, she would still be on the pill, but I would also be required to used without condoms, once the checks came through as OK we were a committed relationship of three. Alice had always used condoms with her previous partners and when I’m at Mistress Carol’s there is always condoms used (with kerri and Mistress Carol’s partner – but generally I’m only ever used orally by Master Daniel)
And so it all started
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