Afternoon to everyone, over the last few weeks I’ve been trying to get blog posts done but never got them finished before time and events have taken over. So my aim is to try and bring all of the bit posts into one and bring everyone upto date.
Madame and Sir are away this weekend, I’ve stayed at home so that I can catch up with things domestically and also in work terms. but more on that later in the post.
From Mid September –
Almost 2 weeks ago we received a phone call from Ellie asking if we would be free for the coming weekend, it appeared that David’s parents were going to visit the young couple on their way back from their Holiday in the North of England.
While we had some plans they were were not that important and the decision was made to go to Leicester and meet the parents.
We had always said that we would not meet them until Ellie’s mother and father had met them and that had happened early in the summer. Having made the decision on the Monday that we would go there was follow up phone calls to get the plan for the weekend.
The outline was that they would be arriving early Friday Evening and Ellie wanted to have that as an evening with just Ellie and David with his parents (it would be their first visit to their house, so we supposed that the aim would be to make a good impression on the future “in-laws”). Ellie wanted us to come over late Saturday Afternoon and stay into the evening, this would be just us, the Young Couple and the Parents.
We were a little concerned that this might be a bit long (just incase we and/or they don’t get on and it may become a bit awkward.) but Ellie was most insistent. So we agreed as this is Ellie’s moment.
The sunday would be a bit more of an open event with a lunch/ buffet/ BBQ being laid on (subject to the weather) for friends and wider family.
The final part of the call got both myself and Alice looking at each other “Oh Can you make sure that you pretend to be normal!”
The response from me was “What are you implying with that comment Young Lady!?” the answer was just a giggle from the other end and “you know, just be normal”.
well I get the feeling that since we have allowed Ellie to look into the “pandora box” of our world her view of us is forever changed!
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How difficult can it be to define ‘Normal’? |
Nevermind, as it is we can do a very convincing normal – what ever that is meant to mean.
The rest of the week was busy for Alice at work and I found myself on the road a lot, I had booked accommodation for us over the weekend as we are still not staying with Alice’s sister as that is still just a little too uncomfortable.
The Friday evening saw us travel up late and we arrived at the hotel (nothing fancy – functional was the order of the day) and went for some food and simply just had a very relaxed evening with our own company. Saturday morning saw us dodging showers to try and do a walk in some nearby woods that we used to walk when we were “Courting” each other, so many years ago. Coming back to the accommodation we had a light pub lunch and then headed back to the room to get changed before heading to Ellie and David’s house.
Now the thing to bear in mind is that for both of us our vanilla personas are such that we do have a fashion style that does on occasion make us stand out and our niece may not have realised that while she is used to it, it might cause a second look by david’s parents….
So for me it is straightforward – relaxed fit chino type trousers (comfort while caged is very important), waist coat and a light weight tweed Jacket.
Alice was taking a look that was some what “vintage” or retro with long line bra, deep 6 strap suspender belt, tan fully fashioned stockings, creme satin blouse and a pleated knee length skirt. A pair of 3″ heels finished the outfit to perfection. It also helped that she had styled her hair in a slightly retro fashion as well. I have to confess she looked bloody stunning and it was most definitely her type of style!
Arriving at the house was interesting, we were meet at the door by David and he looked a little stunned with Alice and I had to quietly say to him to close his mouth and stop staring at Alice. I also whispered to him that yes they were stockings that she was wearing! as that seemed to be his focus as she walked into the house. Clearly the lad has the same weakness for stockings as I have.
Ellie greated us really warmly and I got a full hug from her and I could tell she was doing a check to see what I was wearing, I had to admonish her and told her to behave!
We were walked through to the living room and were introduced to David’s parents. While I initially thought that we might be a little over dressed it looked like we were just fine.
The introductions were easily made and now with drinks in hand we were able to sit down and chat. The plan was to have dinner early in the evening and just see how it went. The conversation was fairly straight forward and the kind of things that you would expect – what do you do, where do you live, etc. they seemed interested in the fact that we had been surrogate parents to Ellie and her sister for a period of time. I think this was them trying to understand the dynamic why this Aunt and Uncle were such an important factor in young Ellie’s life and Relationship.
Things got better when we all got up to help set the table for dinner and help with the meal – even if ellie and david didn’t want the help.
During a conversation with David’s father he commented that he could see where Ellie got her dress style from. I asked him what he meant and he pointed out that Ellie’s style seemed to follow a pattern similar to Alice’s. He pointed out that he had never seen her not wearing a skirt and tights, even when she was fully made up in Goth mode. I had to laugh and told him that yes that did probably come from Alice but I did point out that that if he wanted see them in trousers then he would probably have to see them when they went horse riding! I’m not sure if he could cope with the thought of seeing Alice and Ellie in Jodphurs, Riding boots and Riding Crops, the poor lad might have a heart attack!
the chat for the evening was fairly straightforward and easy going, the one thing that did come up was david’s mother was quite keen to have them married sooner rather that later, but it was good to see David cut in and make it clear that they would have the wedding once they had everything save up and paid for, also he made it very clear that the wedding would be paid for my him and Ellie, so that no one from either side of the families could take credit or influence the marriage. I liked the fact that the lad was standing his ground and it was clear that his parents were trying to get us to influence the young couple. – No, we fully supported the pair and we also agreed with them that if they wanted to keep it a small wedding that was good with us as well.
That was about the only contensciencous part of the meeting and evening.
A few days later I had a phone call from david and he thank me (and Alice) for the weekend and meeting with his Mum and Dad. However he did mention that his mother mentioned when Ellie wasn’t about that she thought that we had both dressed ready to go to the wedding, he had a bit of a laugh when he told his mother that this wasn’t Alice “dressed up” this was just Alice being “Normal”. David mentioned that he thinks his mother may need to up her game so that she isn’t out done on the day!
We’ve mentioned it before but Alice has no intention of turning up dressed like the Mother of the Bride but she certainly will be looking “Classy!”, I suspect retro shape wear, Fully Fashioned Stockings and stilettos that would peirce a foot if anyone gets in her way!
From 2 weeks ago –
I’ve found myself in a spot of bother this week and I have incurred the wraith of Madam.
On Friday I got home after another week of travelling back and forth to my current project. I’d made a point of booking a room at a local B&B for Tuesday and Wednesday night as I wanted to get a break from the traveling back and forth as the motorways are a bloody nightmare at the moment and I’m almost spending more time on the road than I am at the project. On Thursday I arrived home later than I had hoped and Madam had gone to bed due to her having an early start, so not wanting to disturb her I slept in my room.
Friday morning actually saw me being up and going out the door just as Madam was getting up. It dawned on me that I hadn’t seen Alice since bringing her her morning coffee on Tuesday morning, so I quickly dashed upstairs to say good morning and to tell her that I love her and that I would see her when I got back.
It was a quick dash in and out but she stop me in my tracks, “Are you alright?”, “Yes just a bit of a cold, but nothing drastic.” and with that I was off and on the road!
That evening I got back and found that Alice wasn’t waiting for me but Madam.
“You lied to me this morning! Didn’t You?”
Well I couldn’t bluff it. No I wasn’t well. I’d spent 2 days on the project site sorting out a bit of a “clusterfuck” and as a result I had been soaked to the skin. spending most of the day outside and with limited kit meant that I was wet through. That evening a quick visit to a local big supermarket I got a cheap sweatshirt, Tee shirt and a pair of jogging bottoms, so that I could get out of my clothes and hope that they would dry for the morning. while they were a good bit drier, they were still damp.
Long story short, I now had a cold/ flu and probably not helped with the lack of sleep and travelling back and forth.
So Madam was some what pissed off with me, for not looking after myself. I was ordered to strip right where I was in the living room, totally naked and Madam ordered me to my knees and to bend over and to kiss her shoes and apologise for lying to her.
As I bend over to kiss her shoe She took her riding crop from behind her back and whipped me on the arse, down on one of my buttocks.
I was now told to kiss the other shoe and apologise once more. Again as I did so The crop came down on my other buttock.
I could tell that Madam was really pissed off with me, there was no warm up, no preparation, these were 2 very hard and stinging cracks with the crop!
I was ordered to stand up and with that Madam took hold of my ear and then directed me up stairs to her bathroom. “Get in the shower, don’t you dare come out until I say that you can!”
Madam turn on the shower and adjusted the temperature and I was told to get in and get washed and to stay until called. Still slightly stunned I got in and gave myself a good wash and soaked with the shower. Some time later I was called out of the shower and handed a large bath towel to dry off with. Once dry I was directed into the bedroom and on the bed some clothes had been laid out.
There was a pair of black tights and my red sleep suit, next to it was my pink pyjamas. I was told to get dressed all under the stern scowl of Madam. I quickly dressed and put on the Satin Pyjama trousers and then the jacket. I was then ordered into Bed.
As I got into the bed it was clear to me that Madam had changed the quilt from the Summer Quilt to the heavier winter quilt. Once I was in bed and Madam was content, she laid out the rules to me.
“You will stay in the bed until I say otherwise, you can go to the toilet and back into bed, no further. I will bring you your food and drinks. Do you understand?”
“Yes Madam.”
once I had said that she sat down on the bed and my stern Mistress had gone. “I swear to god Mick, I’d bloody kill you for your bloody minded determination at times, if you weren’t trying to kill yourself on your own!”
“Sorry!”, well it was all I could say really. she had a point, it wasn’t the first time I’m become ill from stepping into projects to get them fixed. I wasn’t too bad this time but Madam wasn’t pleased with me and that is a situation far worse than any discomfort or illness could cause me.
Alice was concerned that I was ill with not just the soaking that I had sustained but also being worn down with the travelling and the reduced sleep all added with the other background health issues that I have going on so I totally get why she was pissed at me.
So the result was that I was confined to bed for the next 4 days. meals were brought to me as well as regular black tea with honey and lemon. No TV or laptop. She allowed me to have my phone on the sunday to check emails but other than that it was sleeping and reading books. I had a visit from John who also too time to call me an idiot, but in reality he spent an hour with me chatting and catching up with what I had been upto.
On the Monday I was under orders to stay in bed (I could go to the kitchen for my meals) but had to contact the Project team and let them know that I was not going to be available for the day and that I would be working from home for the rest of the week. Not Ideal but I was not prepared to incur Alice’s wrath again! so orders were orders.
To be honest I needed it as I didn’t realise how run down I actually was. I also managed to “avoid detection” by Alice mainly due to my early departures and late returns.
However Madam is watching me like a hawk now!
Present time – End of Oct
Well I’ve recovered, or as healthy as I can be at the moment. I’ve been working from home more often now and hopefully that will continue. We’ve been invited to visit some old friends (vanilla life) in the coming weeks and I’m hoping to get in touch with them to make arrangements so that will be good to have a bit of a break.
We have started to get back into our normal routine, I had my backside thrashed last Thursday as there was quite a few misdemeanors to catch up with on my review, hopefully we can start to get more settled going forward. Also I hope that this will mean that I can get back into a regular habit of posting to the blog.
so with that I will finish here and get on with the last of my chores before Sir and Madam get back.
Take care of yourselves!
i am glad you are fully recovered billie but oh dear, what a naughty boy you have been, Sounds like Alice knew exactly what to do with you 🙂
Talking of Alice, would love to have been a fly on the wall when you met with David's parents when they saw her walk in. The outfit sounds amazing and very eye catching.
Glad the evening went well though, you must be pleased and relieved a little?
Take care
Thanks P, yes I needed to be taken in hand, I was just wearing myself down.
I suspect that Alice, may have deliberately dressed to spark the conversation. It has seemed to have got Ellie asking if she's be interested in a visit to the Goodwood Revival. I suspect that young david will be in favour if it means that he'll have the pleasure of Ellie in retro underwear and FF Stockings, and I can't blame him.
But you are right, it went well and I think we made a good impression on david's parents.
billie xxx