Evening everyone, at Christmas one of my “Gifts” was an envelope with smaller 5 dated envelopes in side. I was informed that over the next 2 months I would be required to open each envelope on the date shown on the outside and to complete the task by the date indicated in the task, if the task has no date then it should carried out as quickly as possible.
The first of the envelopes was date for last Monday (8th January), Once Madam had gone to work I open the envelope and the task read:
You have a collection of Dildos which you use for oral and anal training, sometimes with your Dominantes and sometime on your own.
Currently two of these toys have names, Master and Madam’s Strap on Dildo.
You have had several new additions added to your collection, you are to find names for all of them and to start to refer to them as such. Ideally they should reflect or relate to some one that you or we know. You should ask the individual for their permission before you name a toy or discuss it with me if it is not possible to ask them.
Task must be completed by the 14th February 2024.
Your Loving Wife xxx
It is correct that I now have quite a collection with the recent addition of some dildos that came with the christmas present of the strap on harness.
I gathered them all together to see what I could do quickly and to actually work out how many I would need to name and if any were clear candidates.
Master was straight forward as it was already named and was named as it is just slightly smaller than Sir in terms of both length and girth.
Madam’s strapon dildo is actually a 2 part toy. It is a smooth toy which she has added a latex cock sheath with an extension which adds a cock texture to the dildo and adds 1.5 inches to the length.
The remainder were not named so it was a case of looking over them. The first was straight forward and it was one that was close to my uncaged length, perhaps it was a bit longer than me so it was named “Mick”.
I identified one that was near the size of kerri when she is uncaged, the reality is that she is slightly bigger and certainly thicker, so a email was quickly pinged to her, explaining what the issue was and what the task was and would she give permission. I received a response back later that evening but the suggestion was that perhaps I should name it after her Male persona just as I had done for the one that I was close to, so we now had “Kevin”.
The next one that came to me was to contact one of Madam’s old male friends who we keep in contact with, he was the original man that she cuckolded me with. we all split on good terms when he moved away due to work commitments (a move to the USA) but he would come and see Madam when he was back in the UK and it was during the period before Sir became a feature in our lives. While he doesn’t see Madam any more he does keep in regular contact. The bonus was that he also understood our type of relationship, not in the same way as Sir does, but once I explained things I was sure that he would be on side, even if it was just for my humiliation. An email to the states actually resulted in a phone call from him and a good 20 minute catch up with him. the end result was that I had his permission for “George”
The next one was the shortest one, which is my penis gag, while not a dildo it is cock shaped and I thought I had best include it. I could think of someone that this would match this and would probably agree. I sent a grovelling email to her and requested her permission. She consented but with specific conditions which had to be agreed to before I could allocate the name to the toy. The conditions were very specific and I wasn’t sure that I could fully comply with them. However I had been travelling with work and Madam had seen the email response before I did (I had cc her into each of my request emails) and she agreed on my behalf.
When I got home she explained that I would agree to the conditions, which was that I was not allowed to suck (suckle) on the dildo, I explained that that was quite difficult to do with it filling my mouth. Madam made it clear that the named individual did not want me to suck her little clittie while it was in my mouth. Madam made it clear that if she caught me not complying then I would be punished for my lack of self control, so my little penis gag received it’s name.
That now leaves 3 dildos that I need to name. Madam has allowed me to ask post them here on the blog to offer them up for suggestions from the readers, any suggestions must have a reason behind it and and Madam will confirm if it will be allowed. If I don’t have suitable and appropriate names for all of them by 1 February then Madam will make me contact an individual with the aim to name one of the toys. the last 3 tous are below:
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Unnamed 1 |
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Unnamed 2 |
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Unnamed 3 – The lumpy beast???? |
So dear readers do any of you have any suggestions?
While the color and multitude of bumps and ridges on Unnamed 3 are incorrect, the length and girth appear close. You may name that Knacker…you WILL be knackered after its use!
Now that is a comment to spark our interest!
Having been using it for a short while, you are right I am knackered after using it or when Madam has used it in her strap on harness I certainly know that I have been buggered by it!
So thank you Knacker249, I'll put it to Madam as one of the name choices.
billie x
billie- happy Nee Year, dear, to you and your Superiors there!! Thanks for the “heads” up (heh) about the new posts!
I have to say, quite a collection you hve got there. :). And looking at them and your comments, is “Master” indeed the biggest of all the cocks Madam (oops, and you) hve enjoyed? George did seem close, am I wrong?
I love the envelope method, btw. Who came up with that originally? I would always be on edge, I think. 😉
I was looking forward to naming one of the last phalluses for myself. But seeing them and their size, I’m not sure I measure up, nor am, given that, not surprisingly a much pinker, girly color.
I’d offer I could ensure I’d use one effectively on you, but I’m not sire that meets Madam’s qualifications. 🙁
I did like how you reached out to some new and old connections for naming help💕
Sorry for the delays. Work, snow, etc here. But still pantied!
Sara, we still have one of the smaller (5″) one still to be formally named, we have a temporary name for it but Madam is not keen on it, if you are close to that size I’ll be happy to suggest that to Madam, she may well go for that more that the current option.
With reference size, Sir is slightly bigger than Master and while Madam has not said if she has had bigger, she has expressed her satisfaction with his size in all respects.
The envelopes are a bloody nightmare, we still have another one to go and that is dated for early March. I don’t know where she got the idea but it has that element of worry as I get closer to each date.
We are quite lucky that we still stay in touch with George, we all parted on good terms as his job offer to move to the States really was too good for him to turn down. We don’t talk to him too regularly but a couple of times a year we link up for a chat and catch up. It did help that he gets our lifestyle, I’m not sure that he would want to explain it to his wife as she might not appreciate it too much!!
don’t worry about the delays, fully understand as we have both been in the same position with work and life pressures.
billie xxx
Hi Billie
Have you named all your toys yet?
If not may I suggest the following for the penis gag: Sara
Here's my rational.
As you know,
Sara’s not allowed to move when she enters a desired yet normally forbidden erogenous zone
Per her post on Dec 27, 2023
Don't move an inch," she repeated, "you are not to move even a millimeter."
And you are not allowed to suck on it.
A cruel test is sissy wills
Hi Marciann,
we've nearly got them all named, I'll do a quick update post as you have raised it and Poppet is tormenting me over it, it seems like she is clock watching the count down.
In terms of the penis gag, the honour of that one actually goes to Poppet, I asked if it could be named after her and her little caged clittie. However it has come with conditions, which are quite wicked – I'm not allowed to suck or lick it when it's in my mouth, if do then Madam is to punish me.
Such a evil restriction to do to me, don't you think?
I've already been punished for it and my excuse of being electrocuted by the TENs units got no sympathy! it is indeed a very cruel test for me and I think that is why Poppet set it as a condition, such a wicked sissy!, with friends like that…..! (to Poppet, don't take it to heart, I love you to bits!😉❤)
What a fitting tribute to such a good and wicked friend
I’m sure poppet is honored
Dear billie-
Thank you for your replies! I appreciate them, girl.
Hopefully this month hasn’t been too taxing on you. It’s been exceptionally busy here. Plus with other commitments you understand around the house, it’s been daunting a couple weeks.
Oh, I do have to ask.. if George moved to the mid-Atlantic area US, do let me know.
Oh, so the smallest isn’t named. Well, wasn’t at that point, lol. I am about a similar 6 inch level (er, or so). A name like “Silly Sara” or “Sissy Sara” would be an honor, but I admit those names aren’t the best. At any rate, I hope they are being used, and that you are being used, regularly!
And I do hope you’ve received some new “presents” in the last few weeks, rewarding you for excellent cleaning (and fluffing!) behavior. 😉
Looking forward to your next post,
Hi Sara,
it has been a busy few weeks with a lot going on, particularly since valentines week. It seems busy all round for us both. updates and posts will appear later today.
I think Madam would be quite happy to have the 5″ one remained “the sara” in your honour. I will let her know this evening.
billie xxx
I’ll need to check where George currently is, I know originally he went to a place about an hour south of Washington but he has moved a couple of times since then. I’ll let you know.
billie xxx