Happy New Year to everyone from a rather wet and soggy Buckinghamshire, we have survived the festive period and this weekend is getting the house back in order after having had a steady stream of guests.
I do have to apologise as I had planned to get a blog post published before Christmas but both Madam and Sir succumbed to the flu/ colds that were going around so for almost 2 weeks I was busy being maid and nurse maid. It was almost getting to the point where I would have to paint a big cross on the front door to indicate that we were a plague house! Just in case there was a plague doctor passing!
Thankfully everyone was back to full(ish) health by christmas eve.
This christmas would see us being a bit more busy with friends coming to stay at various times. Sir normally leaves us on Christmas eve so that he can spend christmas with his daughters, that wouldn’t be the case this year as they has other plans, one with his ex wife and his oldest girl would be with her Boyfriends parents. So we would be hosting Sir though to the wednesday (27th).
Then on the evening of the 27th we then had Carol and Kerri arrive to stay with us until the 2nd of January. And our final guests were Ellie and David who arrived on the 1st and stay with us until Tuesday (2nd) evening.
It was really nice to have everyone stay with us and there have been some really interesting things occur and I’ll cover some of the main points and the hope is that I can then do some separate blog posts about some of the things/ activities that we got up to as probably deserve some more detail that this post would allow for.
With Sir staying longer than usual I had come to the conclusion that I would not be getting unlocked for christmas, not that I have a right to expect it, it is just that over previous years Madam has graciously allowed me to be uncaged for a period often being unlocked just prior to Sir leaving on Christmas eve. I now had the hope that I may become unlocked on the 27th when Sir would be leaving us.
For all of the 23rd, Christmas Eve and the start of Christmas day Madam required me to be in Sissy Maid dress. Christmas Eve was spent wrapping the last of the presents and also preparing as much as we could for Christmas day, so that we could work on minimal effort on the day and focus on enjoying the day, making merry and relaxing.
When Christmas morning Arrived it would appear that we had all been good Boys and Girls (and sissy cuckold) as Santa seemed to bring a whole mix of presents for us. There was the usual mix of biscuits and chocolates, toiletries (perfume, bubble bath, shower cremes etc) and and a few other items. There were a few items for each of us that were definitely related to our lifestyle. Madam got some lingerie and hosiery from both Sir and myself which is not really a surprise I suppose!
For me the main gifts were
- A pair of black sheer trousers, while these were not the specific type that Madam had been looking for, but they are very nice and you can see what is being worn underneath. (I’ll do a seperate post on them).

- Madam gave me a strap on harness with dildos with the view to adapt it to meet a task that I had to complete. (a crafting project!)
- A rather humiliating sex toy from both Madam and Sir for me to take with me whenever I’m away from home (This will get it’s own post).
- Sir had in previous years given me a very sissy set of underwear to wear, this year he went further and gave me a “Cuckolded Husband” outfit that I would be required to wear on his direction and particularly when I would be required to be in the bedroom with him and Madam. I had to go and change into this outfit once the presents were all opened and it was the outfit that I wore for the rest of Christmas day and boxing day. (Madam wants this as a separate post, all I can say at the moment is “very pink!”)
- A box wrapped in plain red, non christmas, wrapping, this was from Madam and I was told that I was not allowed to open this until after all our guests have left and only once directed by Madam. It currently sits unopened on the dining room table. I’m not sure if I should be curious or worried about what is in/ lurcking in the red wrapping? I have a real element of both emotions at the moment every time I look at the box.

- What I thought was the last present was a big envelope, when I opened it, it contained 5 white envelopes. Each envelope has a date on it and Madam explained that this was a gift of activities and tasks. Each of the dates is a Monday over January and February and are not to be opened until the allotted time. Each of the tasks will be outlined in the envelope, with instructions and conditions and where appropriate a completion date. Judging from Sir’s reaction he either knows what the tasks are or had a hand in their creation. The first task envelope gets opened on this coming Monday (8th January).
- Madam left the room and came back with a small jewelry box with a pink ribbon on it and handed it to me. I was told to open it as it had a surprise for me.
I opened the box and inside was a key – a chastity key! Mine?

I stared at it and then looked at Madam. She smiled at me and simply said “Well?”
I blurted out “Thank you”, I really didn’t expect to be given my key.
“Do you want to try it?”
“Yes, please. Thank you Madam. Can I?” I got a nod and a big smile from Madam
I raised my skirt and petticoats and pushed down the front of my satin knickers and exposed my caged clittie and slid in the key.
The key would not turn, I took it out and tried again, but no change, it would not turn the lock.
Sir and Madam, burst out laughing and I was told to stop trying before I broke the key in the lock.
I must have looked frustrated and looked at Madam with a look of “I don’t understand?”
Madam smiled at me, “It isn’t your key, dear, It is the spare key for kerri’s chastity! You will be her key holder for the duration of her time here, you can unlock her any time you want, but my guess is you’ll unlock her at the first opportunity you both get, you pair of tarts! The only condition is that you must lock her back up before Ellie and David arrive.”
While I was disappointed with the key not being for my chastity, this really was my best present and Madam was correct I would be unlocking kerri at the earliest opportunity once she arrived!
“billie, you are going to stay caged for the next 7 weeks, I’m sure you’ll manage, I’m going to unlock you on Valentines day, I promise. It will give you something to look forward to.”
Wednesday 14th February is now marked on the kitchen calendar as “😊Unlocking day”. Yes something for me to look forward to, considering I’ve been caged since the summer (with supervised unlockings for shaving and hygiene). Don’t get me wrong I (perversely) enjoy being caged for my Madam, but I also look forward to being unlocked for her as well.
With all the presents opened (well those that were allowed to be opened), I was sent to get changed into my new outfit and we settled down to have a christmas day of eating, drinking and making merry in our very particular way. In a follow on post I’ll explain about my new outfit and how it was used on Christmas Night and also on occasions going forward.
We all had an enjoyable Christmas Day and Boxing Day, while mine included a lot of humiliation and frustration, I wouldn’t change it for the world. Added to which I had the key to my gurlfriend’s chastity cage and she would arrive very soon, that was something for me to look forward to!
Happy New Year, Mistress Alice and Billie. Can’t wait to read about your holiday exploits. It sounds like it was fun.
I see you found Karrie’s blog reassembling Saragirl’s old blog.
Life is good
Well, well. Didn't one lucky sissy do well for Christmas! i imagine you had Kerri's cage unlocked in record breaking time. As for yours, well Valentine's Day isn't that long to wait and it will make it a memorable day for you.
i love that you were able to get the sheer trousers. Now you just have to wear them…somewhere. in. public 🙂 And you got pink things too, my favourite colour, how lucky. As for the sex toy, well i have an idea what it might be but i shall have to wait for you to post about it to see if i was right or not.
Glad you were all fit and healthy and able to enjoy some festive shenanigans.
Happy New Year to you Marciann. Madam has asked that I try and package all the christmas things into smaller blogs and try and get then out every couple of days if I can.
Karrie's blog is brilliant and it is good to take a trip down memory lane on the old Sara's blog posts. She deserves a medal for services to the kink community!
billie xxx
I'm shocked, you make it sound like I am some kind of mad frustrated pervert desperate to get into a Gurl's panties! OK fair play you got me! it wasn't like that it was far more civilised but she was unlocked very soon after she arrived.
The worst part is that Mistress Carol and Madam made me lock her back up in front of them in the living room and then hand the key over to Madam.
You are right, Valentines day isn't too far away, and I the cobra cage, even the nano size, has become one of the more comfortable cages that I've had for long term wear, so I think I'll manage through the next 5 or 6 weeks.
I've just posted about the sex toy, we'll see if your guess was correct? Yes pink features a lot and I'll need to get that put into a post.
As for the sheer trousers, I think you'll like them. I'll just leave it at that until you see them.
I'm going to be kept busy with various posts over the next few weeks!
billie xxx