Hope everyone is keeping well. it has been a fairly relaxed weekend at Madam’s residence.
Friday evening was it’s usual fun activities with Sir coming over for the weekend but the rest of the weekend was fairly steady, everyone relaxing and just enjoying themselves.
On Sunday I was up early and went for a bit of a very gentle jog to see how my old knackered knee was doing after a extended period of rest, and to be honest it did alright, but we will continue with that in very gradual and steady steps – it is the problem with getting old, things start wearing out.
Having got back to the house I started domestic duties with getting some washing in the machine and also with hand washing some of Madam’s and my lingerie. Once washed and rinsed it was onto the clothes airer to dry.
By the time that Madam and Sir had surfaced from the bedroom I had progressed to Ironing and folding the previous day’s laundry (well it was mainly actually from Thursday’s wash). Sir saw the two piles of folded women’s panties and knickers.
The comment from Sir was “are they all Alice’s?”
“No Sir, they are mainly mine.”
“bloody hell how big is your knicker drawer?”
Good question, shall we explore my the storage area of my undergarments…….?
Contrary to Sir’s assumption I have one drawer of a chest of drawers allocated to my scanties and “harvest festivals” (Pants that gather everything in…😉 ). Also to clarify for our Americans readers when I talk about pants I am talking about knickers and panties, not trousers.
So there we have my knicker drawer, with 6 neat piles of sissy undergarments. In the top right we have a pile of my everyday knickers, these tend to be from Marks and Spencer’s and more often than not they are multi-pack buys. These are the ones that you’ll normally find me wearing under my suit or with my shapewear. These are usually nylon or modal in material.
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everyday wear |
Below the pile of everyday wear is my lace and satin knickers, you will also find some thongs in there but I’ve got into the habit of not wearing them too often nowadays.
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Satins and lace |
Next to these are the maids panties, and if you remember back to January they had a separate post The Maid’s Panties These are all folded neatly ready for when needed or when Madam or Sir specify a particular pair to be worn.
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Maids Panties |
Lastly there is 2 piles of “fancy panties/ knickers”, these are knickers that are good for wearing with suspenders or basques. They are a bit of a mix of styles and material but they are what I think of as being a bit more special so they go into that pile.
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“Fancy Panties” |
The fancy knickers often have a mix of material, often satin fronts and lace and nylon backed. The reason I tend to go with satin fronted knickers is because it is kinder to me with wearing the chastity. Just remember if you have knickers with fancy or elaborate lace front and you have a foresking that pokes out from your cage, those lace knickers can be the lingerie equivalent of taking a cheese grater to your foreskin……just saying…trust me on this – they might look good but not very comfortable!
I’m not OCD, at one point my knicker drawer was just a jumble of pants and I’d play lucky dip to see what to wear but I then had to spend time rummaging around for the right knickers to go with the right outfit. this way I know where to go looking.
I’m more of a Webley type of person…..
Dear billie-
Thank you for your tour of your knickers drawer! As an affectionado of such, I found this most interesting. Though I’ll admit, there was a bit more black — and less pink and colors — than I wild have guessed. Of course, being a maid and all does dictate (dick-tate?) black.
I may have time you at one point, but I must have about 150 panties. Oops, couldn’t stop! Mine are spread across a couple drawers in our bedroom, and a total mess, lol. I do keep some semblance by “type” acids the drawers, but still. Now, I blame my Wife for this lazy habit. Before her, I used to fold my male and female underwear. Though I admit I had less then. I’ll have to send you some pics of the mayhem! Maybe you’ll have a good tip!
I’m surprised Sir didn’t recognize the panties were mostly the type you wore, and not Madam’s. Right? May I ask, what types does She prefer? My Wife tends towards boring cotton. The fancy ones I’ve bought her in the past got worn rarely, so I wound up wearing them instead… lol.
Congrats on the run, and good luck! I’ve been a long term runner myself, and I do love it. Helps with my girly shape, too! (I hope they’re not putting you on a diet, lol!). I’ve struggled with more little injuries as times gone on. Two years ago I had a wonderful year… last year was a bunch of kettle injuries, and didn’t meet my expectations. Am hopeful for this year, though.
Did you get your run and laundry work all done early, then, on Sunday?
Gosh, you have me wanting some more satin panties now, lol! Btw, Re colors, which may not apply to you, have you ever seen how hard it is to find many yellow panties? Go figure.
I suppose you’re getting into the Fri-night preparation efforts now… thinking of you.
It occurs that a little photo-documentary (taken by you) of you doing some laundry or other household task could be an interesting blight being post someday.
I suppose it’s time for me to start tackling some clothes washing, straightening, and a bathroom myself. 🙂
(Gosh, great the blogspot posts show here… are mine only here, but not also visible there? That’s my guess)
Hug Sara xo
you are right, they are mainly black, I am getting the occasional bit of colour added into there. I think Madam realised I lacked a variety.
Sir tends to be more focused on our underwear when both Madam and I are wearing it, not when it is just folded or in the drawer.
As for materials we both have “every day” pants which would be cottons, nylons and modal. The more fancy ones Madam tends to wear them for the evenings or if she is wearing a lingerie set.
As for the comments – I need to do a text to see If I can import your comments back into blogger. I may try to do that next week – if it doesn’t work I may just do it as a cut and paste job using my account but make it clear that it is your comment. – I’ll keep you updated
billie xxx
Radio 2? Am more of a Radio 4 and itunes shuffle person myself.
i have to compliment you on an impressively organised and tidy knicker draw. Mine…er…isn't. Every now and then i have a 'deep' rummage and unearth an item i had completely forgotten about.
You will find no pistols in my panties though, just scented soaps 🙂
I moved on from Radio 2 pretty much after Terry Wogan finished and I be listening to Radio 4 for years (and shouting at the radio in equal measure!! Ah the joy of being a middle aged grumpy!)
I had to tidy the drawer as Madam wants her lingerie drawer neat and tidy,and as I was folding everything at the Ironing board it made sense.
Added to which I when it wasn't tidy at times it was a lucky dip. Being in a business meeting is not the time to realise that the thong was the wrong choice for the day…..
so having a tidy knicker drawer helps.
now the bras and basques drawer is a different matter…..
billie xxx
billie- thank you, Dear.
You’re right, Sur obviously wouldn’t have much of an interest in panties just laying around in a bin or in a drawer — just us femme types would, lol!
So I take it you have another longer ie drawer or two. I’m sure Madam does!
One thing I do love about knickers is all the variety of colors, patterns, and material. I hope Madam does biy you some other fun ones for eve try day use!
Oh, certainly no need for you to paste my comments back to blogspot!! I was just curious, and figure it was a one-way street!
Hope you are having a great day, and the “work” parts aren’t to onerous!
Xo Sara